rent control
PublishedMay 8, 2023
New appointment boosts Portland rent board but draws landlord’s concerns
Matt Walker has been criticized for posting on social media that he had a 'vendetta' against one of the city's largest landlords.
PublishedApril 12, 2023
Landlords raise nearly $80,000 to support referendum eliminating rent cap
About $45,000 has been paid for signature gathering and campaign services to a company owned by the wife of Rep. David Boyer, who is also a Portland landlord and supports the referendum.
PublishedMarch 22, 2023
South Portland council approves rent control, homeless shelter ordinances
But officials say the city doesn't have the staff to enforce the new 10% annual rent cap in a similar way to Portland's stronger rent control measure.
PublishedMarch 22, 2023
Divided council passes rent control in South Portland, in effect until 2030
The ordinance will put a 10% cap on rent increases, with exemptions, and will take effect May 27.
PublishedMarch 20, 2023
Portland City Council sends to voters a citizen-initiated proposal to eliminate a rent cap
The council rejected a proposal from two councilors who sought to add a competing measure to the ballot offering alternative changes to the city's rent control ordinance.
PublishedMarch 1, 2023
Proposal to eliminate a Portland rent cap qualifies for June ballot
The proposal would eliminate the 5% cap on rent increases after an apartment voluntarily turns over. The City Council will vote to put the question to voters, adopt it outright or offer a competing measure.
PublishedFebruary 23, 2023
South Portland council exempts future development from proposed rent control
The council postponed a preliminary vote to March 7 after criticism from the attending public.
PublishedFebruary 12, 2023
Scenes from the affordable housing crisis
Rising rents and home prices are being felt across Maine – and forcing many Mainers to make difficult, costly and life-altering compromises.
PublishedFebruary 8, 2023
Judge dismisses landlord’s appeal of Portland rent board ruling on increases
The city does not plan to collect $15,350 in fines the rent board asked it to consider for Trelawny 657 LLC, saying ongoing cooperation from the landlord contributed to a decision to not impose the fine.
PublishedFebruary 6, 2023
Portland landlords seek rent-control change to allow for larger increases when units turn over
The Rental Housing Alliance of Southern Maine wants the city to allow landlords to reset rents to whatever they want after a tenant leaves a unit.