Nonesuch Books hosts
Cape schools fundraiser
SOUTH PORTLAND — Cape Elizabeth schools’ three parent associations are sponsoring a “Holiday Shopping Night” fundraiser at Nonesuch Books, located in the Mill Creek Shopping Center, 50 Market St., South Portland, on Wednesday, Dec. 2.
From 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., 20 percent of all sales at the bookstore will be donated to the Cape parent associations.
The fundraiser event will also feature a bake sale, gift wrapping services, holiday carolers, and story time for younger children.
Nonesuch Books is also offering area youth groups an opportunity for fundraising during the 2009 holiday season at its South Portland and Saco stores.
Nonesuch Books will provide free wrapping paper, scotch tape, and tables at the front of the store for youth groups to set up a gift-wrapping station. For more information, contact South Portland store manager, Cheryl Perrino, at 799-2659, or Saco store manager, Paula Dutko, at 282-2638.
Scarborough High inducts
31 honor society members
SCARBOROUGH — Scarborough High School recently inducted 31 new members into the National Honor Society.
Students are eligible for the honor society based on their academic achievements and a demonstration of excellence in scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
New inductees are Benjamin Acker, Seth Albert, Victoria Armishaw, Steven Arsenault, Zipei Cai, Nicolette Caron, Henry Chen, Abigail Chick, Edward Conceison, Paige Conley, Scott Delisle, Matthew Eaton, Shannon Eddy, Mark Endrizzi, Lauren Flewelling, Danielle Foster, Daniel Friedman, Matthew Gaylean, Orin James, Christy Manning, Anna Martens, Emily Massa, Stephanie McLeod, Mullyna Oul, Harim Park, Zachery Porter, Nathan Provencher, Roscoe Thomas, Abby Van Note, Jennifer Wood and Jiachoing Xiang.
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Members of the Scarborough Police Department Explorer Post 883, pictured above from left, Patrick Flynn, Derek Laflin, Grace McKenzie, Ben Landry, Matt Scipione, recently competed in the “Explorer Tactical Challenge” hosted by the Northeast Regional Law Enforcement Educational Association. The challenge tested the Explorers knowledge of law enforcement tactics, teambuilding and leadership. They took home the third place Best Overall Unit award, along with several second and third place individual awards.
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