Greater Portland


The Big Bake Sale, 10% of sales on select bakery products to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine, until March 31, Whole Foods Market, 2 Somerset St., Portland,

Free Federal and Maine Income Tax Preparation, available for all ages and incomes, through April 14, for times/locations, visit, tax-aide locator, or call 1-888-227-7669, ext. 211.

Thursday 3/25

Annual Adaptive Services Auction, silent/live auction, food, live music, to benefit the YMCA Adaptive Services program, 6–9 p.m., advance tickets, $30 adult/$55 couple; door, $40 adult, Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, tickets,, 865-9600.


Beauty and the Books, silent auction fundraiser finale reception, to benefit Falmouth Memorial Library, 5-7 p.m., view items,, or stop in, Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road, Falmouth, 781-2351.

Friday 3/26

“CeleSoirée: Celebrating Immigration through the Arts,” international food festival, world music concert and silent art auction, to benefit the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project, 5-9 p.m., $30 advance tickets/ $35 door, ages 14 and under free, The Portland Company, 58 Fore St., Portland,, Beth, 780-1593.

“Make Dreams Come True: Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine Auction 2010,” silent and live auctions, appetizers, 6:30-10 p.m., $35 advance/ $40 door, Holiday Inn by the Bay, 88 Spring St., Portland, tickets,

Spaghetti Band Jam Fundraiser, with dinner and music by student “ROCK” bands from Mast Landing School and Freeport Middle School, with silent auction, to benefit Freeport Middle School Space Camp Program, 6–8 p.m., $10 person/ $25 family, Freeport Middle School cafeteria, 19 Kendall Ln, Freeport, Jennifer Libsack, 865–9135 or Melanie Sachs, 449-1524.

Saturday 3/27


24th Annual Variety Show, fundraiser hosted by the Freeport Lioness/Lions Clubs, 7 p.m., $10 adult/ $3 child, Freeport Performing Arts Center at the high school, Holbrooke St., Freeport, tickets, Martha, 865-6188 or Jill, 353-2642.

“A Taste of the World” International Food Festival and Silent Auction
, fundraiser for international and multicultural student scholarships, 10:30 a.m. silent auction begins; 11:30 a.m.- 3 p.m. festival, $20, SMCC Dining Hall, 2 Fort Rd, South Portland, hosted by SMCC and the Rotary Clubs of South Portland – Cape Elizabeth and Breakwater Daybreak, tickets, Adrienne Murphy, 853-3292,, FMI,

“Bowl for Kids’ Sake,” fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine; two locations – Yankee Lanes in Portland and Bowl-A-Rama in Sanford; 10 a.m. start time, register at or call 773.KIDS,

“Cabin Fever Scholarship Dinner,” to support college scholarships for Greely students, hosted by Cumberland/North Yarmouth Lions Club, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. seatings, $10 advance/ $12 door/ $6 ages 6-12, Cumberland Congregational Church, 282 Main St., Cumberland, Patrick Scanlon, 829-0969.

The Cicada Chamber Players and New York Philharmonic bassist William Blossom Concert, to benefit St. Luke’s Soup Kitchen, 7:30 p.m., $15 suggested donation, students free, Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 143 State St., Portland, 772-5434.

Elm Street Dance Studio Book and Bake Sale Fundraiser, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Elm Street United Methodist Church, 168 Elm St., South Portland.

EqualityMaine Foundation 26th Annual Awards Dinner, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, tickets, 761-3732,


The First Annual Project Linus Cumberland County Chapter Quilt & Blanket Show, with vendors, quilting supplies for sale, lunch and more, entries welcome, to benefit Project Linus, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Maximilian Kolbe Church, Scarborough, Melodie Provost, 284-5606,,

Jackpot Fun Run Fundraiser, fundraiser for Agility Central of Maine, 1-5 p.m., $20/handler and up to 2 dogs, $10 extra dogs, Happy Tails, 119 Bishop St., Portland, AC- ME, Kristie, 215-4821.

Sunday 3/28

Downeasters Chorus and Quartets Benefit Concert, for First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Portland, 2 p.m., First Parish Portland 425 Congress St., Portland, 773-5747.

“The Gift of Song” Benefit Concert, with The Italian Heritage Center Concert Band, to support the band’s trip to Italy, 2 p.m., $10 suggested donation, ages 18 and under free, Italian Heritage Center, 40 Westland Ave., Portland Bob Swerdlow, 781-8284 or 712-7111.

Second Annual “Sitting Pretty:
A Chairity Auction to benefit The PORT Teen Center,” 45 hand-painted chairs in live auction, with silent auction, music, appetizers, 4-6:30 p.m., $10 adult/ $25 family, Freeport Community Center, Depot St., Freeport, chair previews at, tickets at RCE 17 West St.

Monday 3/29


“Good Wine for a Good Cause,” wine tasting to benefit the Cancer Community Center, 5:30-8 p.m., $25 advance/$30 door, Ri Ra Irish Pub, 72 Commercial St., Portland, tickets, Cancer Community Center, 778 Main St., South Portland or RSVP Beverage, 887 Forest Ave., Portland.

Tuesday 3/30

Family Arts Night, with jazz music by the Edith Jones Project, performances by Greely Color Guard Team and Irish Step Dancers, theater workshop, art projects, student artwork exhibit, 6-8 p.m., free admission, Greely Middle School, 351 Tuttle Road, Cumberland, hosted by the MSAD 51 Arts Alliance,

Wednesday 4/1

Second Annual ‘First Pitch Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction,’ to support Yarmouth baseball, 5-7 p.m., $8 adult/ $5 age 10 and under, Yarmouth High School cafeteria, free Sea Dogs ticket per ticket purchased, 671-4161.

Bulletin Board


Thursday 3/25

Gorham East-West Corridor Study Public Meeting, 6-8 p.m., Maine Turnpike Authority Headquarters, Skyway Drive, Portland,, Carol Morris, 329-6502.

Friday 3/26

2010 Maine Home and Garden Show, 12-8 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday; $8 adult, ages 12 and under free, The Maine Mall, formerly Linens N’ Things, Maine Mall Road, South Portland, 882-9777,

Saturday 3/27

Maine College of Art Open House, tours, workshops, info sessions, more, MECA, 522 Congress St., Portland,, 775-3052.


Passport Fair, U.S. Postal Office, celebration of Passport Day in the USA 2010, passport acceptance and outreach event, 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Portland Post Office, 125 Forest Ave., Portland.

Sunday 3/28

Maine Maple Sunday, participating sugarhouses at

Tuesday 3/30

CEHS Republican Gubernatorial Candidates Debate, 7:30-9 p.m., Cape Elizabeth High School auditorium, 345 Ocean House Road, Cape Elizabeth, Ted Jordan, 799-3309, ext 307.



Bridges for Peace Vigil, Sundays 12-1 p.m., South Portland end of Casco Bay Bridge.

Calico Quilters, first and third Mondays, 7-9 p.m., Masonic Hall, Mill Street, Yarmouth, 846-0783.

The Food Share, held by First Baptist Church Food Ministry, perishable food items available every Sunday from 5-6 p.m., First Baptist Church, 346 Main St., Yarmouth, enter at side door on Center St., Meagan, 846-3087. 

The Kiwanis Club of Portland, second and fourth Tuesdays, 5:30-7:15 p.m., $10, The Woodfords Club, 179 Woodford St., Portland, register, Peter Brown, 797-7383 or Michele Giroux, 854-6232.

Yarmouth Central Men’s Club, second Monday of every month, 6:30 p.m., dinner and speaker, 846-3376 or 846-1561.

Call for Volunteers


Gardeners Wanted, for the 2010 season at Yarmouth Community Garden, $25 for 10′ by 10′ plot/ $35 non-Yarmouth residents, organic garden on East Main Street, sign up at Yarmouth Community Services, 846-2406.

The Salvation Army of Greater Portland Volunteer Opportunities; child care volunteer during adult life skills classes; Camp Rally Volunteer on April 23; National Association of Letter Carriers Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on May 8, FMI, call 774-4172 or email

Thursday 3/25
Red Cross Blood Drive, sponsored by the Cape Elizabeth High School Interact Club, 8 a.m.- 1 p.m., McGouldrick Room, Cape Elizabeth Fire Station, U.S. Route 77, ages 16 with parental permission and older, appointments, 1-800-RED-CROSS or

Saturday 4/3

18th Annual April Stools Day, dog waste pick-up sponsored by Fetch, 8-10 a.m., rain or shine, East End Beach; Ft. Sumner Park on North Street; Eastern Promenade Trail at entrance from Commercial Street; and Hinckley Park in South Portland; gloves and bags provided, bring own trowel/scooper,


Advertisement needs volunteers to expand organization, ABC believes in empowerment through sailing, and action-based activities to relieve depression, check Web site or 831-4151.

Allegiance Hospice is looking for volunteers to visit patients under hospice care in nursing homes in York and Cumberland Counties, volunteers receive formal training, Katharyn LeDoux, 877-255-4623 or  

Alzheimer’s Association has ongoing volunteer opportunities for caring people who can offer 3-4 hours per week, 170 U.S. Route 1, Falmouth, 772-0115.

American Red Cross needs volunteers in the disaster services, health and safety and administration departments, 874-1192 ext. 105.

The Cedars welcomes volunteers to help with activities and special events, including young child/parent and pet visits, 630 Ocean Ave., Portland, 772-5456.

Compass Project needs volunteers with tools, carpentry or boat skills for the boat building festival and youth boat building classes, 774-0682 or


Coastal Studies for Girls, volunteers needed to help launch a residential science and leadership semester school for high school girls, based at Wolfe’s Neck Farm, Freeport, many opportuntities for a detail-oriented, efficient volunteer with excellent computer and communication skills, call Margaret Martin, 865-9700 or  

Cumberland County Extension Association seeks people to serve on its executive committee, meets third Wednesday every month from 7-9 p.m. at Barron Center, Portland, 800-287-1471 or

Deliver Meals on Wheels, mileage reimbursement, flexible days and weeks, one-two hours a day, 800-400-6325.

Fiddlehead Center for the Arts is looking for volunteers for ongoing projects and special events, earn credits in exchange for classes, ages 16+, Fiddlehead Center for the Arts, 383 U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, 883-5720,

Freeport Community Services and Center needs people to help make a difference, 865-3985.

Friends of Feral Felines needs hardy volunteers to feed hungry cats on the Portland waterfront, 1-2 hours per month, training provided, 797-3014.


Freeport Historical Society needs Pettengill Farm stewards; volunteers for Greeter/Docent program, training, able to commit 3-4 hours at least every other week; and Jack or Jill of all trades to help with odd jobs and light maintenance, own tools and transportation necessary, Rita, 632-3011.

Greater Portland Mentoring Partnership needs adult mentors for school-age children, 888-387-8758.

HART, Homeless Animal Rescue Team, a no-kill cat shelter in Cumberland, is looking for volunteers who love cats to help in the shelter, 3-4 hours in the morning, one or two days a week, call 829-4116 or 846-3038. 

Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center volunteers needed, to help people with disabilities experience riding, call Vickie 929-4700, or 807-7757.

Homeless Animal Rescue Team seeks direct care volunteers, facilities maintenance, fundraisers, cleaning supplies, canned cat food, 302 Range Road, Cumberland, 829-4116 or 846-3038.

Hospice Volunteers Needed for Allegiance Hospice, to visit patients in nursing homes in York and Cumberland counties, Nicole Garrity, 877-255-4623 or


ITNPortland seeks volunteer drivers to provide rides for seniors and adults with visual impairments, call 854-0505 or visit to learn more.  

The Jason Program needs ambassadors of hope for Maine families of seriously ill and dying children, 65 Washington Ave., Portland, 773-2947,

Literacy Volunteers of Greater Portland needs volunteers for student-centered tutoring, education for nonliterate adults and English as a Second Language instruction, 780-1352 for training information.

Melanoma Education Foundation seeking used car donations, call Cars Helping America, 1-866-949-3668,

Road to Recovery, American Cancer Society needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to their doctors’ appointments, 1-800-227-2345.

TogetherGreen Volunteers needed for conservation projects at Scarborough Marsh, call Audubon Center at 883-5100, or  


The University of Maine Cooperative Extension seeks volunteers to serve on its executive committee;, 780-4205 or 1-800-287-1471 to request information packet.

VolunteerMaine AmeriCorps VISTA Projects seeks members; living allowance, health care, education award; apply online; Meredith Eaton 941-2800 ext. 207,

Volunteers needed at Mercy Hospital Yarmouth location, Monday through Fridays from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., contact Melissa Skahan, Manager of Mission Services, 879-3286 or

Dining Out

Saturday 3/27

Public Baked Bean Supper, 4:30-6 p.m., $6 adult/ $3 age 12 and under, portion of proceeds go to Southern Maine Meals on Wheels program, Blue Point Congregational Church, 236 Pine Point Rd., Scarborough, 883-6540.


Roast Beef Dinner, 4:30-6 p.m., $8 adult/ $6 students/ $4 age 12 and under, Stevens Avenue Congregational Church, 790 Stevens Ave., Portland, 797-4573.

Roast Beef Supper, hosted by Portland High School Baseball Boosters, seatings at 5, 6 and 7 p.m., $8 adult/ $4 child, St.Peter’s Episcopal Church, 678 Washington Ave., Portland, takeout available, 775-1179.

Sunday 3/28

Jazz Dinner Buffet, Tony Boffa and Tom Bucci, 6-9 p.m.; buffet 6-8 p.m., $15 adult/ $12.50 senior or student, Events on Broadway, 729 Broadway, South Portland; $6.50 advance discount senior tickets at Southern Maine Agency on Aging, Scarborough,

Friday 4/2

Friday Lunch, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., North Yarmouth First Congregational Church, 3 Gray Road, North Yarmouth.



Free Community Soup Dinner, 5-7 p.m., Parish House, The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, 43 Foreside Road, Falmouth, second and fourth Fridays, 781-3366, 

South Freeport Church Haddock Chowder Lunch, second and fourth Fridays, 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m., $8, South Freeport Church Community Hall, 98 South Freeport Road, South Freeport, 865-4012.

Jazz Dinner Buffet, Sundays, 6-9 p.m.; buffet 6-8 p.m., $15 adult/ $12.50 senior or student, Events on Broadway, 729 Broadway, South Portland; $6.50 advance discount senior tickets at Southern Maine Agency on Aging, Scarborough,

Gardens & Outdoors

Cumberland Farmers Market, Falmouth Farmers Market, Wednesdays  through March 31, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., Allen, Sterling & Lothrup Garden Center, 191 U.S. Route 1, Falmouth; Cumberland Farmers Market, Saturdays through April 3, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., Skillins Greenhouse, Route 100, West Cumberland; Leslie Fitzgerald,


Hort Shorts & More 2010, education series, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, class listings and to register, 780-4205.

Wednesday 3/24

“Challenges in Bird Photography,” workshop, 7 p.m., $5 member/ $10 nonmember, cosponsored by the Maine-based Center for Ecological Research, Gilsland Farm Audubon Center, off U.S. Route 1, Falmouth, 781-2330.

Saturday 3/27

Pruning for a Purpose, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., free, Falmouth Skillins, Route 88, Falmouth, register at 781-3860,

Vegetable Gardening, 9 a.m., Cumberland Skillins, Gray Road, Cumberland, register at 829-5619,, participants receive a 10% Skillin weekend discount coupon.


Sunday 3/28

“Early Spring Birds at Wolfe’s Neck,” 2 p.m., free with $1.50 park admission, Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park Nature Programs, 426 Wolf Neck Rd., Freeport, 865-4465.

Thursdays 4/1

Weekly Birdwalk, with expert birder Eric Hynes, 7 a.m. Thursdays, April 1-29, $5 member/ $8 nonmember, Gilsland Farm, Gilsland Farm Rd., Falmouth, meet in visitor center parking lot, bring binoculars and field guide, all skill levels welcome.


Early Morning Birding, 7-8:30 a.m. Wednesdays, $3 member, $5 nonmember, volunteers free, Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center, Pine Point Road, Scarborough, 883-5100. 


Wolfe’s Neck Farm, open daily for self-guided tours, visits to barn and pastures, community gardens, trail walks, 184 Burnett Road, Freeport, 865-4469.

Getting Smarter

Thursday 3/25

“Investment by the Numbers: Valuation, Terms, and Exits” presented by John Burns 12-12:20 p.m. registration, 12:30-2:30 p.m. workshop, $10, USM students with ID/free, Room 213 Abromson Center, University of Southern Maine, reservations recommended, RSVP, information,, 228-8524.

“The Maine Local Twenty: Can Maine Feed Itself?” presentation and discussion with MOFGA chef Cheryl Wixson,  6:30 p.m., $5 suggested donation, Freeport Community Center, Depot St., Freeport.

Saturday 3/27


“The Historical Development of Munjoy Hill,” lecture and discussion with Earle Shettleworth, 10 a.m., free, Maine Historical Society, Congress St., Portland, hosted by Spirits Alive,

Monday 3/29

“Before the Bridge: Crossing to Cousins and Littlejohn Islands in the Nellie G.S.,” talk by author and historian Jim Millinger, 7:30 p.m., open to public, Yarmouth Log Cabin, 196 Main St., Yarmouth, hosted by Yarmouth Historical Society, 846-6259.

Tuesday 3/30

“The Art of Bridge Design: The Best in Integrating Architecture and Engineering,” talk by David Scott, Principal of ARUP and Spiro Pollalis of Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 6 p.m., doors open at 5:30 p.m., $8 advance tickets at $10 door, Architalx Lecture Series, Hannaford Hall, Abromson Center, 88 Bedford St. USM Portland,

Green Homes Lecture Series, 6-week lecture series, Tuesdays, March 30 – May 4, 6-8 p.m., East End School Community Room, 195 North St., Portland, $10 session/ $50 for 6 sessions, hosted by U.S. Green Building Council Maine Chapter,


“Hiking Canada’s Sentiers Frontaliers,” by Carey Kish, 7 p.m. talk, 6 p.m. potluck, free and open to the public, Gilsland Farm Audubon Center, Falmouth, hosted by the Maine Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club,

Wednesday 3/31

“Planning Ahead For Peace of Mind,” funeral planning seminar led by Jane Mullen of Dignity Memorial, 12 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., free, Freeport Holiday Inn Express, luncheon included, seating limited, reservation required, 846-4011.


Acculturation Training for Immigrants, by Living with Peace, 5-7 p.m. Wednesdays, 92 Congress St., Munjoy Hill, Portland, 766-8719.

Business Workshops, Women’s Business Center and Maine Small Business Development Center hold small business workshops online; for information and registration, 882-7552 ext. 167 or e-mail


Downeast Dames, study and invest in the stock market in a social atmosphere, meets once a month, Freeport High School, 30 Holbrook St., Freeport, 865-1220 or 729-7673.

“Judaism for the Curious,” every other Sunday 9:30-11 a.m., Temple Beth El, 400 Deering Ave., Portland, 774-2649.

French Conversation, 5-8 p.m. Fridays, The Language Exchange, Suite 24-26, 80 Exchange St., Portland, 772-0405 or

Portland SCORE, ongoing business workshops led by volunteers, small fee, 100 Middle St., Second Floor, East Tower, Portland,, 772-1147. 

SAGE at USM, Tuesday lectures, 9:30-1:30 a.m., $5, Wishcamper Center, USM Portland campus, register and list of lectures, 780-4406.

The Telling Room, drop-in tutoring Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-4:30 p.m., various workshops available, 225 Commercial St., Suite 201, Portland, 321-2780 or


USM Southworth Planetarium, shows, classes and astronomical events, Science Building, 96 Falmouth St., Portland campus, 780-4249 or

Health & Support

Wednesday 3/24

“Job Club,” free introductory session, 9:30-11:30 a.m., 30 Forest Falls Drive, Suite 1, Yarmouth, Mindy Ruth Novick, 210-6999.

Friday 3/26

“Ladies Night of Indulgence,” hosted by Dr. Michael Hurley and The Specific Chiropractic Center, vendors, complimentary screenings, food and more, free if pre-registered by 3/25; $5 at door, 5-9 p.m., Portland Harbor Hotel, 468 Fore St., Portland,


Monday 3/29

Alzheimer’s Yarmouth Conversation Group, 7-9 p.m., free and open to public, St. Bartholomew’s Church, 396 Gilman Road, Yarmouth, Darlene Field, 632-2605 or Lois Knight 829-6164.

Buddhist Peace Walkers, potluck and discussion with Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhists, 5 p.m., hosted at Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St., Portland, Wells Staley-Mays, 409-0778.

Tuesday 3/30

Sedgewood Commons Event, guest speakers Dr. Laurel Coleman and Kathryn G. Pears, discuss Alzheimer’s Association “Comfort Zone” GPS location management service and “Understanding the Origins of Behavior in Dementia,” 6-8 p.m., free, open to public, register, Sedgewood Commons, 22 Northbrook Dr., Falmouth, Lea Marie Rust 781-5775.

Wednesday 3/31


“Wellness Wednesday,” free bodywork, massage, chiropractic assessment and gentle spinal alignment, Hawaiian healing bodywork and more, 6-8:30 p.m., free, Lifeworks Chiropractic Center, 202 U.S. Route 1, Suite 100, Falmouth must register at 781-7911,

Friday 4/2

“Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet: Take Action and Make it Happen,” talk by vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke, 7:30 p.m., free and open to public, Talbot Lecture Hall, Luther Bonney Hall, USM Portland, sponsored by Maine Animal Coaltion, 773-2215.


“Better Breathing Buddies,” support group for lung disease patients and caregivers, 2-3:30 p.m. first Tuesdays, Bayview Heights, 158 North St., Portland,, 879-4373.

Cancer Community Center, daily classes, support groups, 778 Main St., South Portland, 774-2200 or


Christian Meditation Gathering, hosted by United Methodist communities of Hope.Gate.Way, 6 p.m. Wednesdays, 185 High St., Portland,, 899-2435. 

CODA: Co-Dependents Anonymous meeting, 6-7 p.m. every Tuesday, Brighton Medical Center, Brighton Ave., Portland, see receptionist for room location, Diana at 749-7443 or Pauline 926- 5718.

Drop-In Bereavement Support Group, facilitated by Carol Schoneberg of Hospice of Southern Maine, 5:30-7 p.m., free, first Wednesday of the month, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, 350 U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, Carol Schoneberg, 289-3651, or

Divorce Perspectives, a support group for people in all stages of divorce, meets Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., North Deering Congregational Church, 1364 Washington Ave., Portland, call 232-1667 or 

Divorce Support Group, Mondays 6:30-8:30 p.m., $25, open to public, sponsored by Catholic Charities Maine Family Life Institute, St. Pius Church, Ocean Avenue, Portland, to register, 1-800-CARE-002 ext. 2670 or

Food Addicts In Recovery, daily meetings: Monday, Bath, Brunswick; Tuesday, Scarborough; Wednesday, Bath, Scarborough, Topsham; Thursday, Freeport; Saturday, Brunswick; for locations and times, 775-2132 or


Greater Portland Mothers of Multiples Club, support group for mothers and expectant mothers of multiples, meets first Wednesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., Barron Center, Brighton Ave., Portland, 

Gynecological and Breast Cancer Group, 6-7:30 p.m., second and fourth Tuesday, Cancer Community Center, 778 Main St., South Portland, 774-2200, or

HOPE Groups, wellness support group with Elizabeth Holder, LADC Guide, Fridays, 5:30-7 p.m., Serenity House, 30 Mellen St., Portland, Liz, 899-2733, 

Nar-Anon Family Support Group, for families of drug addicts, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Dana Education Center, Maine Medical Center, Bramhall Street, Portland, 594-2801.

National Alliance on Mental Health, for friends and family of people with mental illness, 7-8:30 p.m., second and fourth Monday, except holidays, Maine Medical Center, Classroom 3, Portland, 893-1516.

Nutrition Works, LLC, healthy cooking classes, 805 Stevens Ave., Portland, register at 772-6279 or


Overeaters Anonymous, Portland meetings: Sunday, 7-8:30 p.m., Maine Medical Center, 335 Brighton Ave.; Tuesday, 6 p.m., Woodfords Congregational Church, Route 1; Saturday, first time at OA, 9:30-10 a.m., Maine Medical Center, Dana Center, 22 Bramhall St.; Saturdays, 10 a.m., Maine Medical Center, Dana Center, 22 Bramhall St.,

Prostate Cancer Support Group, 6:30-8:30 second Tuesday, Cancer Community Center, 778 Main Street, South Portland, 774-2200 or

Sadhana Meditation Center, The Castle, Lower Level, 100 Brickhill Ave., South Portland, center open to people of all faiths, Ashok,, 772-6898.

“Sunday Morning Recharge: Meditate!” 10-11:15 a.m. Sundays, $10, Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road.

Women Ages 40-64, mammograms and pap tests available at no cost through Maine Breast and Cervical Health Program, 874-8942 or 800-350-5180.

Widow-Widowers Support Group, second and fourth Wednesday, 6 p.m., Woodfords Congregational Church, 202 Woodford St., Portland, 767-0920.


Yoga for Parkinson’s, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, free, Family Ice Center, 20 Hat Trick Drive, Falmouth, sponsored by American Parkinson Disease Association, RSVP, 653-3319.

Young Widows and Widowers Group open to people age 50 or younger meets twice a month on Friday evenings at The Center for Grieving Children, Portland, Valerie Jones, 775-5216 for information or to schedule an initial meeting.

Just for Seniors


Bingo at Hillcrest, Friday 11:30 a.m., $2 unlimited, bring your own lunch, 108 Hillcrest Ave., Scarborough, 730-4150.

Cards & Coffee, every Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m., play bridge, cribbage or just socialize, open to the community, Casco Bay YMCA, 14 Old South Freeport Road, Freeport, 865-9600.


Enhance Fitness, group exercise program for 50 and older to improve strength, balance, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness, MWF 9-10 a.m. or 10:15-11:15 a.m., Sullivan Complex, USM Portland campus, 780-4170.

Freeport Elders Association, walk at Freeport YMCA 12-2 p.m. Friday, crafts at the center 9-11:30 a.m. Thursday, daily programs, call for newsletter, 865-6462.

PROP Senior Volunteer Program seeks men and women 60+ to join foster grandparent or senior companion program, 773-0202 or

Senior drop-in center, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Monday-Friday, Salvation Army Senior Center, 297 Cumberland Ave., Portland, 774-6304.

Yarmouth Seniors, second Wednesday, home-cooked meal and fellowship, 12 p.m. lunch, guest speaker follows, Community House, East Main Street, Yarmouth.

Kids and Family Stuff


Falmouth Little League Registration, is still open for the 2010 season, register at or call Bill Engelberger, 797-7633 or

Thursday 3/25

Gym Dandies Children’s Circus, 6-8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Scarborough High School, Scarborough.

Saturday 3/27

Second Annual Easter Egg Hunt, 12:30 p.m., free and open to the public, children of all ages welcome, reservations, 799-9355, hosted by Coastal Wellness Family Chiropractic, 300 Ocean House Road, Cape Elizabeth,



Bayside Neighborhood Programs, Monday girls group 3:30-5 p.m.; Wednesday art group with Cindy, 3:30-5 p.m.; Unity Village, 24 Stone St., Portland, snacks provided, 415-0769.

Children’s Museum of Maine, ongoing cultural, educational, fun and active workshops for kids and parents, 142 Free St., Portland, 828-1234 or

Children’s Programs, “Baby Bounces” birth to 18 months Thursdays 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., “Preschool Story Time” ages 3 and up Tuesday 10:30 a.m., “Toddler Tales and Tunes” ages 18-36 months Thursday at 10:30 a.m., “Kindertales” ages 3-7 Saturday 10:30 a.m., Scarborough Public Library, 48 Gorham Road, 883-4723.

Greenlight Studio, eco-friendly play space for kids 0-6 and their grownups, 49 Dartmouth St., Portland,,

Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. and Museum, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., seven days a week, $1 children 3-12, adults $2; 58 Fore St., Portland, 828-0814.

Portland Girls Center, accepting enrollments for after-school program for girls ages 6-14, fees based on sliding scale, transportation from schools provided, open daily until 6 p.m., 347-8015.


Signing for Babies, Monday 9:30-10:30 a.m., Community Counseling Center, 43 Baxter Blvd., Portland, $3; 874-1030.

Story Time! for preschoolers 3-5, Tuesday 10:30 a.m.; for toddlers 1-2, Wednesday 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; for babies up to 18 months, Thursday 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.; free for children and caregivers, South Portland Branch Library, 155 Wescott Road, South Portland, 775-1835.

Storytime at South Portland Main Library, Fridays, 10:30 a.m. ages 1- 2; 11 a.m. ages 3-5; 482 Broadway, South Portland, 767-7660. 

Mid Coast


Thursday 3/25


Spring Used Book Sale, proceeds benefit Mid Coast Hospital Auxiliary scholarship program, Thursday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., Friday 8 a.m.- 3 p.m., Hospital Café Conference Rooms, 123 Medical Center Dr., for information or to donate books, call Mid Coast Volunteer Services, 373-6015.

Friday 3/26

Spring Used Book Sale, proceeds benefit Mid Coast Hospital Auxiliary scholarship program, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m., Hospital Café Conference Rooms, 123 Medical Center Dr., for information or to donate books, call Mid Coast Volunteer Services, 373-6015.

“So You Think You Know Bath IV?” live Bath trivia game show and silent auction to benefit Main Street Bath, 6 p.m. social, 6:30-9 p.m. game, $30, Winter Street Center, 880 Washington St., Bath, tickets, Main Street Bath members or office at 15 Commercial St., 442-7291,

Saturday 3/27

“Eagle Challenge 2-miler Run/Walk,” to benefit Mt. Ararat High School athletic programs, 8:30 a.m. registration, 9:15 a.m. race starts, $10 advance registration/ $12 race day/ $30 family max, register at or email


“Fame, The Musical” a “Hope for Haiti” benefit performance by the New England Youth Theater, 2 p.m., Chocolate Church Arts Center, Washington St., Bath, tickets, or 798-6966.

Theater Project Benefit Auction, 6 p.m., with open bar, complimentary hors d’oeuvres, tickets $10, call to purchase, 729-8584, The Theater Project, 14 School St., Brunswick,


Bottle Drive, to benefit the BHS Class of ’79 Get Involved Scholarship Fund; bring returnables to Don’s Redemption Center, 51 Harpswell Road, Brunswick, call 798-9201.

Bulletin Board

Free tax preparation for household incomes below $50,000; Midcoast CASH Coalition, call 319-1390 for more information or appointment.


Friday 4/2

The Brunswick Area Women’s Social Club Meeting, with Jud Caswell, The Brunswick Inn, 165 Park Row, Brunswick, 729-4914, Marsha Dutton, Organizer,

Saturday 4/3

50/50 Style Bingo, 1–3 p.m., Bath Senior Center, 45 Floral St., Bath, for ages 16 and older.


Bridge Groups, 7-9 p.m. Fridays for beginners; 2-4 p.m. Sundays for experienced players, 45 Green St., Bath, register, 443-3901.


Kinship Families Support Group, raising a family member’s child with love, first and third Wednesday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Midcoast Maine Community Action, 34 Wing Farm Parkway, Bath, preregister 442-7963 ext. 213.

Kaleidoscope Quilters, second (7 p.m.) and fourth (6:30 p.m.) Thursday of the month, Elks Lodge, Park Row, Brunswick, 725-5242.

Knitting Circle, Tuesday 3:30-5 p.m., for experienced and learners, Patten Free Library, 33 Summer St., Bath.

Call for Volunteers


ArtVan Program seeks volunteers to help with art therapy programming with children and teens, promotional support and fundraising efforts, contact 371-4125 or visit


Bath Youth Meetinghouse & Skatepark seeks volunteers to help in the cafe, at concerts, supporting youth programs and fundraising efforts, experience with teenagers helpful, 443-8900 or visit 26 Summer St., Bath.

Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks volunteer mentors (must be 18+) willing to commit one year and spend eight hours a month with a child 6-14 who lives in a single parent home, contact Brunswick office at 729-7736 or

Cell Phones for Soldiers, donate used cell phones at Southern New Hampshire University, 10 Tibbetts Drive, Cooks Corner, Brunswick or 1000 Burbank Ave., BNAS Building 20, Brunswick.

Chocolate Church Arts Center seeks volunteers for the art gallery and more, 798 Washington St., Bath, 442-8455.

Flying Changes Center for Therapeutic Riding needs volunteers who love horses, caring for them and learning to ride, 729-0168, located on Route 201 in Topsham.

The Greater Bath Elder Outreach Network, a program of Catholic Charities Maine, is looking for volunteers a few hours a week to assist seniors by providing companionship, transportation, assistance with errands and telephone reassurance for elderly and disabled people who live in Sagadahoc County and the Brunswick area, Martha Cushing, 837-8810; meetings 6-7:30 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month, Patten Free Library, Bath, 837-8810.


Habitat for Humanity / 7 Rivers Maine needs volunteers at ReStore in Bath, minimum four-hour shift commitment, 386-5081 or

Home to Home, an organization providing a safe place for parents to exchange children for visitations, needs volunteers, commitment of 1-2 hours per exchange period, police check and training required, Mid-Coast Hospital, Brunswick, Rich Siegel, 837-4894,

Mid Coast Hospital, dozens of positions at the café, gift shop or greeting patients, 123 Medical Center Drive, Brunswick, 373-6015.

Mid Coast Senior Health Center needs volunteers for various activities with seniors Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, welcome desk openings, 373-3691.

Money Management Program, help low-income seniors with routine financial matters, Spectrum Generations, 6 Noble St., Brunswick, 729-0475.

Parkview Adventist Medical Center, gift shop needs volunteers, four-hour shifts mornings, afternoons and early evenings Monday through Friday, every other Sunday 1-4 p.m., will train, 373-4518 or visit the gift shop at 329 Maine St., Brunswick.


Pejepscot Historical Society needs volunteer tour guides for Skolfield-Whittier House and Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum and volunteer staff for Chamberlain Museum gift shop, 729-6606.

People Plus Center, ongoing opportunities, 6 Noble St., Brunswick, 729-0757.

Spectrum Generations has volunteer opportunities in program development, outreach, and reception at its new Community Center at 12 Main St., Topsham, FMI, Debbie, 729-0475.

Money Management Program, 6 Noble St., Brunswick, 729-0475.

Sexual Assault Support Services of Mid Coast Maine needs volunteers to provide support and information to callers on 24-hour hotline, 725-2181.

Dining Out


Free Wine Appreciation Series with The Black Sheep Wine Shop, Fridays, through March 26; 5-7 p.m., Cook’s Lobster House, Bailey Island, 725-9284,

Sunday 3/28

Public bean supper to benefit Topsham Trailriders ATV and Snowmobile Club, 4-6 p.m., adults $7, kids under 12 $3.50, Topsham Fair Exhibition Hall, Topsham Fairgrounds, Dale Giles, 725-6015.


Brunswick Winter Market, Maine farms and merchants, Saturdays 9 a.m.- 12:30 p.m., Fort Andross Mill, Maine St., Brunswick.

Getting Smarter


Friday 3/26

Ro-Ro at War: Roll On/Roll Off at D-Day and Beyond, lecture by Captain Chris Lloyd, 6 p.m., $5 members/$7 non-members, Long Reach Hall, Maine Maritime Museum,, 443-1316.

Sunday 3/28

Ornaments of Adornment class, bring beads, stones, glass, etc., 2-4:30 p.m., $25/ $20 members, register online,, Art, Mind and Soul Studio, Fort Andross Mill, 14 Maine St., Brunswick,


ArtWorks, Creative Arts Night, 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Bath Recreation Center, 4 Sheridan Rd., Bath, $8; 443-8360.


Merrymeeting Regional Adult Education, various courses available, 35 Republic Ave., Topsham, 729-7323.

Sagadahoc History & Genealogy Room, focusing on communities in Sagadahoc County, Patten Free Library, 33 Summer St., Bath, 443-5141.

Spectrum Generations, Southern Midcoast Community Center, 12 Maine St., Topsham, call or visit for list of classes and events,, 729-0475.

University College at Bath/Brunswick hosts career and academic program information sessions, free, Mid-Coast Center for Higher Education, 9 Park St., Bath, schedule at 442-7736.

Wife of Bath hosts monthly day-long creative writing retreats, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., $25, Linden Tree Meeting House, Phippsburg Congregational Church UCC, 10 Church Lane, Phippsburg, month-by-month or pre-register, 751-2414,, visit

Health & Support


Self-Healing Empowerment Group, Wednesdays, 9-10:30 a.m., $15, come once or weekly, Spectrum Generations, Southern Midcoast Community Center, 12 Main St., Topsham, 729-0475.

De-Stress Your Body, Wednesdays, 9-10:30 a.m., $15 per session; come once or weekly, Spectrum Generations, Southern Midcoast Community Center, 12 Main St., Topsham, 729-0475.

Saturday 3/27

Shambhala Arts Festival, evening of contemplative arts, 6-9 p.m., $5 suggested donation, open to public, Brunswick Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Mason St., Rebekah Younger,, 443-8649.


12 Step Recovery Program, Wednesdays 6 p.m., food, group meetings, contact Jeff Rogers,, Compass Point Community Church, 119 Old Bath Rd.


Adoption Support Group for adult adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents and those whose lives are touched by adoption, monthly meetings, Mae’s Cafe, 160 Centre St., Bath, 443-9876.

Care Support Group, Sexual Assault Support Services of Midcoast Maine and Mid Coast Hospital provide an education-based support group for survivors of sexual violence who are pregnant; participants may bring a support person, 373-6500 or 725-2181.

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Monday 7 p.m., Beth Israel Congregation, 906 Washington St., Bath, 865-4076; Wednesday 7 a.m., UCC Church, 150 Congress St., Bath, 837-8164; Wednesday 7 p.m., Midcoast Presbyterian Church, 84 Main St., Topsham, 729-3861; Saturday 9 a.m., Midcoast Hospital, Brunswick, 865-1916.

Group Sitting Meditation, 9 a.m.-noon Sundays, Shambhala Center, 19 Mason St., Brunswick, 729-7402.

Mid Coast Chronic Pain Support Group, open to people with chronic pain, their families and friends, first and third Monday, 6-7:30 p.m. Mid Coast Hospital, Brunswick, 725-7854.

Mid Coast Maine Center for Grief and Loss, hospice volunteers offer grief support programs for children, families and individuals, 45 Baribeau Drive, Brunswick, 729-3602.


Overeaters Anonymous, Brunswick meetings: Monday 7:30 p.m., First Parish Church, 9 Cleaveland St.; and Thursday 7 p.m., St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 27 Pleasant St.; Sunday 9 a.m., MidCoast Hospital, 123 Medical Center Drive.

Sexual Assault Support Services of Midcoast Maine, support groups for survivors of sexual violence, includes sexual assault, sexual abuse as a child and sexual harassment, open to nonoffending parents and partners, 725-2181 to schedule a pre-group meeting.

Spectrum Generations, Southern Midcoast Community Center, 12 Maine St., Topsham, call or visit for list of classes and events,, 729-0475.

Survivors of Suicide, support group, first Thursday, 5:30 p.m., Elijah Kellogg Congregational Church, 917 Harpswell Neck Road, Harpswell, 833-6386.

TOPS (Take Off the Pounds Sensibly) Thursday weigh-in 6:10-6:40 p.m., meeting follows, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Maine Street, Brunswick, 375-4749.

Weight Watchers, every Monday, noon, McLellan Building, Multipurpose Room, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, 725-3265.


Women’s Circle, for women who want support for a controlling or abusive relationship, free and confidential, hosted by Mid Coast Outreach Office of Family Crisis Services, 721-0199.

Just for Seniors

AARP Tax-Aide, free income tax help for low/middle income taxpayers, sponsored by the IRS and the AARP Foundation, Feb. 1 – April 15, call for times and information, Bath Area Senior Center, 45 Floral St., call for information, 443-4937; Patten Free Library, 33 Summer St., 443-5141; Brunswick Curtis Memorial Library; People Plus, 6 Noble St., Brunswick, 729-0757; Topsham Public Library, 25 Foreside Rd., 725-1727; Wiscasset Community Center, 242 Gardiner Rd., 633-6748; for more information, Nancy Lord, Tax-Aide District Coordinator, 729-8730.

Saturday 3/27

Thornton Hall Assisted Living Open House, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m., 56 Baribeau Dr., Brunswick, Louise Everett, 729-8033.



Bath Area Senior Citizens, bridge club, cribbage, crafts, line dancing, bocce, bingo and more, 45 Floral St., Bath, 443-4937.

Meals on Wheels, delivery available for homebound seniors, offered by Spectrum Generations, 12 Main St., Topsham, 729-0475.

Money Management Program, help low-income seniors with routine financial matters, Spectrum Generations, 12 Main St., Topsham, 729-0475.

People Plus Community Center, multipurpose facility provides recreational, social, informational, educational and personal services to persons 55+, 6 Noble St., Brunswick, 729-0757.

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program seeks volunteers age 55 and over for various opportunities, 396-6521.

Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center, support groups, lectures, socials, activities, 521 Main St., Damariscotta, for daily schedule, 563-1363 or


Spectrum Generations Southern Midcoast Community Center now open for classes, activities, trips, health & wellness, 12 Main St., Topsham, FMI, 729-0475, or

Topsham Merry Meeters Senior Citizens, all ages 50 and over welcome, bring a dish to share for potluck meal, noon, Westrum House, Union Park Road, Topsham; 729-7686 or 725-2425; meets third Tuesday except July and August.

Kids and Family Stuff

Wednesday 3/31

Spark’s Ark Maine Wildlife Presentation, 12:30 p.m., free and open to the public, for parents and young children, Maine Vocational Region Ten Community Preschool, 68 Church Road, Brunswick, space limited, to register call 729-6622.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick is accepting applications for “Littles,” girls ages 6-14 that live in single parent homes to participate in “The Big and Little” program, a mentoring program that matches a child with an adult community mentor (Big Sister) in a one-on-one friendship. There are Big Sisters currently waiting to be matched with Littles. Please Contact Aurora Joseph, Match Support Specialist, 729-7736 or to enroll your daughter.

Morning Storytelling, songs, stories from around the world with Janice O’Rourke, for ages 6 and under, Frontier Cafe, Cinema & Gallery, Fort Andross, 14 Maine St., Brunswick, 725-5222 or

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