FALMOUTH — Memorial Library is hosting a “Library Sundae” on July 11 from 1-4 p.m.

One of the main events will be valve-cover racing, a sport gaining popularity throughout the U.S. and Canada; this is the only race in the greater Portland area.

Essentially, the racetrack will have two lanes that begin on an incline. The racers are made of valve covers from car engines with four wheels attached.

Awards will be given to the top three fastest valve covers, as well as awards for best presentation, best engineered and most outlandish. Official rules and regulations are available on the library’s website, falmouth.lib.me.us.

Town Council Chairman Tony Payne, Arthur Frederiksen and library board member India Broyles will be judging. Anyone with a valve cover and four wheels can enter.

Other attractions will include Falmouth’s 1924 Reo fire truck, live music from Doc’s Banjo Band, ice cream sundaes and antique cars from Skillin’s Raiders group – with those owners not racing valve covers offering rides.


Richard Fraser, one of the foremost authorities on antique cars and co-author along with his wife of “A History of Maine Built Automobiles and Motorized Vehicles, 1834-1934,” will be speaking at 2:30 p.m. He will also be bringing one of his own vehicles to show – perhaps a 1910 McLaughlin Model 8.

Other Model T and Model A Fords will be on display, as well as a 1928 Rolls Royce, a 1929 Studebaker, a 1931 Franklin convertible and a 1936 Pontiac Coupe among many others.

Library Sundae is sponsored by the Friends of the Falmouth Memorial Library, and tickets good for a sundae or an antique car ride will be available for $2.50, with all proceeds supporting the library.

Attendees are encouraged to park across the street at the American Legion parking lot as the fire truck and antique cars will be taking up most of the library’s parking lot. A bike rack and handicapped parking will also be available near the front entrance of the library.

Victoria Fischman is The Forecaster news intern. She can be reached at 781-3661.

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