BRUNSWICK — A bomb threat forced the closing Friday of Brunswick High School.

The shutdown was originally attributed by school officials to “a building malfunction,” but Superintendent Paul Perzanoski confirmed later in the morning that officials were investigating a bomb threat.

Perzanoski said the threat was received Thursday afternoon around 2 p.m. and the decision was made to cancel school after the police investigation began.

Two Maine State Police bomb-sniffing dogs searched the school this morning. As of 11:25 a.m., no bomb had been found, Perzanoski said.

A message on the high school answering machine Friday morning said the school will be closed until further notice. Perzanoski said he expected it to reopen Monday.

A decision regarding Friday’s after-school athletics and activities had not yet been made, he said.

Stephanie Grinnell can be reached at 781-3661 ext. 123 or

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