South Portland names new baseball coach

South Portland has named Michael Owens its new varsity baseball coach. Owens, who replaces Tony DiBiase, now at Portland, coached high school baseball in Colorado previously and attended high school in Gorham.

SP coaching vacancies

South Portland High School is seeking a junior varsity girls’ soccer coach. Mahoney Middle School needs an assistant indoor track coach. FMI, 767-7705.

SMCC baseball clinic upcoming

The Southern Maine Community College baseball players and coaches will hold a clinic, featuring hitting, fielding, pitching and running, for players ages 9 through 12 from Dec. 27 through 31 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the HUB Athletic Center. The cost is $60, which includes a t-shirt. FMI, 741-5927, or


SailMaine seeks high school coach

SailMaine is seeking a high school sailing coach for the 2011 spring season. FMI, or

SP Rec hosting contest

The South Portland Recreation Department is hosting a MRPA/Red Claws Hot Shot and Free Throw contest at the South Portland Community Center, Thursday. The boys’ free throw contest is at 10 a.m. The boys’ hot shot contest starts at 11 a.m. The girls’ free throw contest begins at 12 p.m. The girls’ hot shot contest starts at 1 p.m. FMI, 767-7650.

GPCS holding winter soccer camp

Greater Portland Christian School’s gym will host a winter soccer camp for K-7th graders Dec. 27 through 31 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The cost is $75 for the general public and $60 for GPCS students. FMI,

GPCS hosting alumni basketball game

Greater Portland Christian School is hosting a pair of alumni basketball games on Thursday, Dec. 30. The women’s game starts at 6 p.m. The men’s begins at 7:30 p.m. FMI,

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