Christine Rousselle isn’t just a Walmart employee writing unbiased in last week’s Forecaster Forum. She’s heavily involved in right-wing causes. Her stated dream is to become another Ann Coulter, the ultra right-wing extremist who makes millions ranting about “welfare queens,” “luckless, lazy and incompetent welfare recipients,” those “utterly irresponsible animals” and the “39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security.”

Some of Rousselle’s anecdotes are obviously fabricated. Someone can’t use a 21-year-old welfare card. And if she claims it was for ID to buy alcohol, would she ask for ID from someone at least in his 40s? She didn’t try to write fairly. Like her idol, she wrote the most vindictive and lopsided account, to gain notoriety. And she succeeded. Right-wing fanatics have made her a national celebrity.

I am sure there are dishonest people on welfare as everywhere. If Rousselle were honest, she would have also spoke of the majority on assistance who are honest and in real need.

To get food stamps in Maine, you must have less than $2,000 in assets. It costs $55,000 per year to send Rousselle to Providence College. Like her idol, Ann Coulter, Rousselle’s success comes from using dishonesty to destroy people whose total possessions are less than she would spend on vacation.

The Forecaster should send a reporter to Scarborough Walmart to learn how much time Rousselle spent on a food lane register and the opinions other register clerks have of those on public assistance.

John Pankowicz
Boothbay Harbor

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