ALFRED — Convicted murderer Jason Twardus continues to make a bid for a new trial based on new information about a man the defense portrays as an alternative suspect.

Twardus, of Rochester, N.H., is now serving a 38-year sentence for the strangling death of his ex-fiancee, Kelly Gorham. He was convicted in October 2010 of killing her at her home in Alfred and burying her body at a northern New Hampshire property owned by his father.

During Twardus’ trial, the defense argued that Gorham’s landlord, John Durfee, and a man that worked for him, Calvin DeGreenia, committed the crime and framed Twardus. Durfee died last year.

During a hearing today in York County Superior Court, defense lawyer Daniel Lilley questioned DeGreenia about his assault on his then-girlfriend. DeGreenia was arrested in April 2011 in Nashua, N.H., after choking his girlfriend, whom he married the day he was released from jail for that offense.

Lilley suggested that DeGreenia has a problem with violence toward women he loves. DeGreenia had previously said that he had feelings for Gorham.

DeGreenia said he stopped choking his then-girlfriend when he realized what he was doing. He said he has paid his dues for the incident and that it has nothing to do with Twardus’ case.


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