CHICAGO – U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has returned to his home in Washington after treatment for depression at Mayo Clinic, Jackson’s chief of staff in suburban Chicago said Friday.

“He’s at home in Washington convalescing with his wife and children,” Jackson aide Rick Bryant said. “Let’s hope he returns to work on Monday.”

Bryant said he’s not sure exactly when the Illinois congressman was discharged. Congress goes back into session Monday following its summer break.

Jackson went on a secretive medical leave in June, when family members said he collapsed at home. His office said in August that he was being treated at Mayo because of depression, after a transfer from the Sierra Tucson Treatment Center in Arizona.

The clinic in Rochester, Minn., has said Jackson was being treated for Bipolar II, which means he was suffering from periodic episodes of depression and hypomania. Hypomania is a less serious form of mania.

Former Rhode Island U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy, who also has dealt with bipolar disorder and been treated at Mayo, said after visiting Jackson at the clinic last month that the current congressman has “a lot of work” ahead of him on the road to recovery.


He said Jackson was taking his depression seriously and will have to learn how to treat his illness.

Kennedy, who served with Jackson on the House Appropriations Committee, left Congress last year.

He has been an outspoken advocate for mental health and spoken publicly about his own struggles.


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