Would you buy a used car from Mitt Romney? The answer is a resounding “no,” especially if you wish to receive any reliable information whatsoever regarding the vehicle in question.

It’s now apparent that Romney will say or do anything to be elected president. The “severe conservative” during the Republican primary is now a moderate – once again.

Do you remember when Romney told us that he was anti-abortion, tough on immigration and opposed to Obamacare? Whoops! He doesn’t mention the first two issues anymore and now tells us that there’s a lot about Obamacare that he can actually support.

Personally, I don’t want a president who has no real convictions. His opponents during the primary told us he was a fraud, but we didn’t listen. Shame on us!

I guess I’ll hold my nose and vote for President Obama. What a choice!

John Cross


Tenants Harbor 

Boyle will bring business, consensus skills to Senate

 I am writing in support of Jim Boyle’s candidacy for Maine Senate District 6.

Jim is a small-business owner who understands what it means to balance a budget and make the difficult decisions to create a successful business.

Jim is not a political insider and, like most of us, he is tired of the political games that score points for parties, not people. Jim will be an independent voice who will work to improve Senate District 6 and all of Maine.

Jim strongly believes that investing in education is important for Maine businesses, because a trained and educated work force will help all types of Maine businesses grow and thrive. He will work to increase job growth, create economic opportunity and develop first-class educational opportunities for our students.


Jim has a degree in forestry management from the University of Maine at Orono and therefore understands first-hand the need to protect and preserve our natural resources.

As a small-business owner, Jim has the experience of building consensus and solving problems in a practical way. These are critical skills necessary to move our state forward.

Jim will bring fresh leadership to Maine and the Maine Senate. He is a proven business leader who has the background and the experience to get the job done. Please join me in voting for Jim Boyle on Nov. 6.

Neil Jamieson


Trustee valuable as ratepayer advocate, steward of water


I strongly urge Portland voters to re-elect Gary Libby in his race against Nisha Swinton for a seat on the Portland Water District board of trustees.

As a fellow trustee, I have had the opportunity to work closely with Gary since my election in 2009. He is unquestionably one of our most valuable and dedicated trustees.

His encyclopedic knowledge of all things PWD and ability to clearly define key issues cannot be replaced. He is not afraid to ask tough questions and always seeks all sides of any issue.

I’ve never felt the need to endorse a candidate before, but Portland voters need to know that by re-electing Gary Libby, they will continue to benefit from a true steward of clean water and a thoughtful, responsible advocate for ratepayers’ needs and wallets.

Ken Levinsky

chair, Portland Water District planning committee



Return former legislator to House of Representatives 

I urge all citizens of House District 131 (Buxton and Hollis) to vote for Don Marean for state representative.

In addition to being a successful small businessman, he has represented this area well as a public servant.

Don is a former state representative and selectman and presently serves as chairman of the Land for Maine’s Future board.

We are fortunate to have a candidate with Don’s experience and passion.


He is uniquely qualified for the position and deserves our support.

Terry Walters

Hollis Center

Disinformation campaign undermines political process

A recent poll taken by cnnmoney.com reported that 62 percent of Americans polled are saving more than they were last year. Network news tells us new car sales are up, mortgage rates are low, home values are increasing and there has been steady job growth since 2008, when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month.

Karl Rove and his American Crossroads super political action committee would have you believe differently.


Rove, formerly an adviser to President George W. Bush, is the guy who outed a CIA agent because her husband, Joe Wilson, sent to search for weapons of mass destruction, reported there were none. Now Rove and his super PAC have been given 5 billion dollars to buy negative ads to ensure that the president is not re-elected.

I am a Republican, but first I am an American. Isn’t it time we get paid lobbyists like Rove and his crew out of the political process? It’s depressing and promotes unfounded fear and division.

Patrick Eisenhart


Disabled Americans have much to offer in workplace 

As you may know, October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. As part of this celebration, Goodwill Industries of Northern New England is encouraging both the public and private sectors to strengthen the work force by hiring qualified people with disabilities.


According to the U.S. Department of Labor, people with disabilities have a more than 13.6 percent unemployment rate. That is more than 60 percent higher than the unemployment rate for people without disabilities.

A job is not only a key component toward independence, it is also part of a person’s identity. A job brings pride, self-satisfaction and a sense of belonging. It is central to who we are and our relationships with our communities.

Here in Maine, Goodwill Industries enjoys the benefits, first-hand, of a diverse work force. Whether at one of our local stores, a human service program or a residence, we’ve experienced the strength that diversity brings.

And through our Workforce Solutions programs, Goodwill trains, hires and places people with disabilities and others who have trouble finding work.

When businesses, government agencies and nonprofit organizations recruit and hire people with disabilities, it makes our economy grow. If you are a person who can impact the work force at your employer, please hire a person with a disability. Or hire lots of people. It’s an easy way to make your workplace – and community – stronger. You’ll be happy you did.

Richard Cantz



End discrimination against gay Mainers – vote ‘yes’ on 1 

I have noticed a few signs appearing lately asking voters not to redefine marriage. While I am firmly in the “Yes on 1” camp, there is no doubt in my mind that redefining marriage would be a mistake. It already has been redefined too much.

Marriages between two people are marriages – whether a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. Marriage is redefined every time a divorce takes place or a spouse is abused. It has survived it all and will only be strengthened by the legal marriage of same-sex couples.

Discrimination is defined as “showing a partiality or prejudice in treatments; actions or policies directed against the welfare of a minority group.” To obey Maine law, and we all must, I am forced to discriminate against some of my friends, relatives and acquaintances.

In the past several years and more, lesbians and gays have decided they have waited long enough to ask for fair and equal rights. Every one of us knows a lesbian or gay person. We often don’t know that we do, unless they choose to tell us. But they know us, and probably what we stand for and vote for.


Perhaps they sit beside us in church. They might be the nurse who tends us, or the one who comforted us in a time of sorrow. As long as they live in the shadows, there is no way of knowing.

In my 90 years, I have seen and lived with many things that I do not like or agree with. Some, I thoroughly detest. At the same time, I don’t believe most of them should be outlawed. This is one of the things that makes democracy so great.

For a democracy to exist, there must be a clear division between church and state. Since churches and their affiliates are specifically exempt from the provisions of Question 1, it is a civil – and only a civil question. Do the people of Maine who vote wish to continue to discriminate? That’s what it’s all about.

All of us on Nov. 7 will have to face our friends and neighbors and wonder. It will be a long, long winter.

Harlan Gardner



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