Fly Fishing Workshop

7 p.m. in Westbrook

Rod McGarry will teach a workshop on technique, tackle and strategies. This is rescheduled from March 19. The Sebago Trout Unlimited chapter hosts the workshop at American Legion Post 62, just off Main Street by Riverside Park. Open and free to the public. For more information, e-mail heinz@maine.rr.com.




GPS Lesson

9 a.m., April 13, in Bath

The Kennebec Estuary Land Trust is offering a tutorial in how to use a GPS system. Join Chris Cabot in a basic lesson and then an exercise through the Thorne Head Preserve in Bath. A limited number of GPS are available for loan during the workshop. All welcome. No cost. Register by April 8. Call 442-8400, or write to bkolak@kennebecestuary.org. To learn more, go to www.kennebecestuary.org.


Salamander Saturday

6:30 p.m., April 13, Hinckley


The L.C. Bates Museum at Good Will-Hinckley has a host of outdoor lessons for youth during school vacation week. The first will be a celebration of “big night,” the first night warm spring rain that causes frogs and salamanders to migrate to spring vernal pools to breed. While we cannot predict when the first warm rains will be, enthusiasts at the museum will try a couple of spots this night to try and find early amphibians. Meet at the museum for a night walk to nearby vernal pools. Bring a flashlight and mud boots. Other outdoor programs will be held at the museum throughout the following week. For more information about the L.C. Bates Museum’s April programs, call 238-4250 or write lcbates@gwh.org, or go to www.gwh.org. The L.C. Bates Museum is located on Route 201.


Spotlight on Owl Expert

6:30 p.m., April 16, in Wells

York County Audubon hosts a talk about owls by Norman Smith. Since 1981 the naturalist has spent countless nights in every imaginable weather condition, observing, capturing and banding snowy owls at Boston’s Logan International Airport. Satellite transmitters have been attached to owls recently to learn more about their movements. The program is free at Mather Auditorium of the Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farm at 342 Laudholm Farm Road. To learn more, go to www.yorkcountyaudubon.org.


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