Great Works Land Trust planning four winter outings
Great Works Regional Land Trust is planning four winter hikes to help outdoor enthusiasts shake cabin fever.
The first outing will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday featuring a ski or snowshoe trek at Great Works’ Tuckahoe Preserve in Berwick.
The 108-acre preserve between Hubbard Road and the Salmon Falls River offers a level, easy glide for ski touring as well as an opportunity to explore the forested riverbank.
Berwick board member Michael Wright will lead the group and describe current conservation efforts in the area.
Space on hikes is limited to 25 people so reservations are required.
Please call the Great Works office at 646-3604 or email info@gwrlt.org to reserve a spot. Anyone interested in joining any of the hikes is encouraged to visit the website at www.gwrlt.org or call the office for more information.
All hikes are open to the public and free of charge to Land Trust members.
A $5 donation per person or $10 donation per family is suggested for non-members.
SMCC volunteer fair to bring community groups together
Southern Maine Community College will hold a volunteer fair that is intended to bring students and community organizations together for community outreach and service projects.
More than three dozen community organizations and student groups will be represented at the fair, to be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the HUB Athletic Center on SMCC’s 119 Fort Road campus.
The event is open to students and the public.
For more details, call Clarke Canfield at 741-5575 or email ccanfield@smccme.edu.
Property tax exemption forms are now available
The town office reminds eligible residents that applications are now available for homestead exemptions, veteran or veteran widow/widower exemptions and legally blind exemptions.
Those forms are available on the website at www.town.falmouth.me.us/Pages/FalmouthME_Assessor/personal_exemptions or by calling the Assessing Office at 781-5253.
Deadline for submitting an application is April 1.
Home Energy Fair to offer demonstrations, events
The Falmouth Home Energy Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Falmouth High School cafeteria, 74 Woodville Road
The event offers an opportunity to connect with local heating professionals, energy auditors and others in the field of recycling and composting; to learn how to save money while reducing your impact on the planet; to attend formal presentations including a blower door demonstration and to meet members of the Recycling and Energy Advisory Committee to learn more about its mission and projects.
Kid-friendly events with activities and snacks also will be provided.
For more details, email Energy & Sustainability Coordinator Kimberly Darling at kdarling@town.falmouth.me.us.
College readiness session, program being offered
Old Orchard Beach/Saco Adult Education will offer a free college readiness information session and program from 10 a.m. to noon or 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday at the Saco Learning Center, 80 Common St.
The current version of the GED has expired, with the new test, called HiSET, being offered on the first three Wednesdays of each month through the school year.
The next orientation for HiSET will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 5.
Registration is required by calling 282-3846 or 934-7922.
For more details, call 282-3846 or go to www.oobsaco.maineadulted.org to register and download a catalog and course schedules for the 2014 winter classes being offered.
Library offering ongoing reading, creativity programs
Dyer Library is hosting a number of ongoing reading and creativity programs through February for all ages.
The You’ve Got Me In Stitches crafting group meets from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Thursdays through Feb. 27 to knit, crochet, embroider and hook rugs.
The After Hours Reading Club will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Bouncing Babies, for ages 18 months and younger, meets from 10 to 11 a.m. Fridays, through Feb. 28 for stories, songs and social and play time.
Terrific Toddlers, for ages 18 months to 3 years, meets from 10 to 11 a.m. Thursdays, through Feb. 27 for stories, songs, finger plays, sign language, movement and interaction for parents and play time for children.
Laughing with Lois: Preschool Storytime, for ages 3 to 5, meets from 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays, through Feb. 25 for children’s literature, songs and a craft project designed to help children develop early. All programs will be offered in the library’s Deering Room, located at 371 Main St.
For more details, call 283-3861 or go to www.dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org.
Songwriters group to supply an appreciative audience
Camden Public Library monthly Songwriters Sessions will begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday at 55 Main St.
The two-hour sessions are open to songwriters struggling with their songs or those who would like an appreciative audience to share their music with.
Positive feedback and some harmony or instrumental backup also will be provided.
The sessions will be led by veteran songwriters David Dodson and John Nicholas with assistance from Rachel Nicholas.
The group will meet on the third Tuesday of each month through the winter and will end with a performance at a Songwriters Coffeehouse on June 5 at the library.
Suggested donation is $4 to help cover expenses.
Drop-ins are welcome.
For more details, call Ken Gross at 236-3440.
Stereo photos, book sale scheduled at Camden library
“The Astonishing World of Stereo-Vision Photography” will be presented at 7 p.m. Thursday at Camden Public Library at 55 Main St.
Roger Richmond will present his three-dimensional photographs using two stereographic projectors, and will provide the audience with 3D glasses for viewing the photographs.
For more details, call Ken Gross at the library at 236-3440.
The library also will host its Big Indoor Book Sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 55 Main St.
Proceeds benefit library programming.
Cardiologist to present heart healthy session
York Hospital will host “Keeping your Heart Healthy” at noon Wednesday at 15 Hospital Drive.
York Hospital cardiologist Erin Rafferty will talk about cardiovascular health. Sandwiches and snacks will be served.
Seating is limited and advance reservations are required by calling 351-2385 or emailing info@yorkhospital.com.
Library will show film, present folk performer
York Public Library will show the film “Amreeka” at 7 p.m. Saturday as part of the York Diversity Forum Film Series.
And at 3 p.m. Sunday performer and songwriter Bill Staines will perform his own contemporary folk ballads and traditional tunes, some of which have been recorded by Peter, Paul and Mary, Makem and Clancy, Nanci Griffith, Glen Yarborough and Jerry Jeff Walker.
The library is located at 15 Long Sands Road. For more details, call 363-2818 or go to www.york.lib.me.us.
Historical society sponsors talk on 1713-1714 treaty
The Old Berwick Historical Society will sponsor a talk by historian Charles Doleac at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Berwick Academy’s Jeppesen Science Center on Academy Street.
Doleac will discuss the 1713-14 treaty negotiations in Portsmouth between the English and indigenous people and how those talks influence current headlines.
The public is invited, and volunteers will serve refreshments.
For more details, call 384-0000 or go to www.oldberwick.org.
Hands-on crafts program to emphasize Chinese culture
Local author Jennifer DeCristoforo will head a hands-on crafts program for children age 4 and older from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Portland Public Library at 5 Monument Square
DeCristoforo is the author of “Lucky Bamboo Book of Crafts: 100 Projects & Ideas Celebrating Chinese Culture.”
The project will be tied into the celebration of Chinese Lunar New Year/Year of the Horse.
The book includes a collection of easy-to-make crafts, reproducible templates, and lots of information on Chinese history, culture and folk arts.
Admission is free. For more details, call Jerri Blatt at 871-1700 Ext. 707 or email childrens@portland.lib.me.us.
Maine’s art teachers featured in exhibit
The Saco Museum will host a public reception from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday for its current art exhibit, “After Hours: Work by Maine Art Teachers,” that is on display during regular hours through March 1 at 371 Main St.
After Hours brings together the creative work of art educators from around the state to celebrate the studio practice and exploration that takes place outside the classroom “after hours.”
A variety of mediums will be showcased including drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, fiber art, sculpture, ceramics, digital art and mixed media.
The artists represented teach in Maine’s public and private schools and universities and are members of the Maine Art Educators Association.
For more details, call Zoe Thomas, at 283-3861, Ext. 115 or email zoebthomas@sacomuseum.org.
Author and songwriter host MLK event at Bowdoin
Join children’s book author Rohan Henry, and songwriter Josephine Cameron for a program of storytelling, music and crafts celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King from 10:30 a.m. to noon Monday in Daggett Lounge, Thorne Dining Hall, Bowdoin College. The event is geared to ages 5 and older.
Refreshments will be served. Admission is free.
For more details, call 725-3000 Ext. 3 or go to www.bowdoin.edu.
Learn about preschools at library’s drop-in event
Topsham Public Library will host a preschool fair from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at 25 Foreside Road for families interested in comparing preschool programs. Children are welcome.
This program is free and open to the public.
For more information, call 725-1727 or go to www.topshamlibrary.org.
Cancer survivorship session to take up common concerns
A free “Cancer Survivorship Introductory Session” will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the Cancer Care Center of York County, located off Eagle Drive across from the Sanford Airport on Route 109.
Grace Wright, LMSW-CC, will introduce ways to cope and talk about the most common concerns faced by survivors.
Light refreshments will be served and pre-registration is required.
To sign up or for more details, call Shannon at 459-1658 or go to www.cancercareyorkcounty.org.
Bryants scheduled to host Sacred Harp singing event
The Fourth Sunday Damariscotta Area Sacred Harp singing event will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the home of Corrone and Ruth Ann Bryant, 552 Main St.
This is a free participatory event, not a performance. Singers of all levels are invited to come and participate.
The singing is primarily from the Sacred Harp, a shapenote tunebook that has been in continuous publication with periodic revisions since 1844.
The music consists of hymns, fugues, anthems and other songs in a style rooted in colonial New England.
A potluck supper will follow. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish to share.
For more details or directions, call Corrone or Ruth Ann at 563-6083 or email singing@mainesacredharp.org.
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