There are farmers and cottage industrialists all over Maine who provide us with Maine-grown and Maine-made products and services every day. We are a state that is proud of our locally made products and artisans.

Unfortunately, by and large, the people we rely on to create these products go to bed every night hoping to wake up healthy and whole, and if they don’t, that there will be a way to afford their trip to the ER or clinic.

If you don’t support Maine legislators voting to accept federal health care dollars, you might want to consider hoping and praying that these people, who are among 70,000 lives in limbo without this funding, all wake up healthy and whole every day, too. For if not, where will your local economy be when you have to buy from someone in another state?

I urge our legislators to vote “yes” to accepting federal funds to provide health care for the farmers, artisans and entrepreneurs who make Maine such a great place to live.

Marie Pineo


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