A Bangor Savings Bank in Pittsfield was robbed by a man wearing a ski mask and “mad bomber” hat and holding a sign demanding money Friday afternoon.

The robbery occurred at 2:45 p.m. when a man about 5 feet 10 inches tall and wearing gloves showed a teller a sign that said he had a gun and demanding money, according to Pittsfield Police Chief Steven Emery.

“He had a black ski mask, dark mad bomber’s hat on top of that, a large dark blue winter parka, and he had a sign saying something like, ‘I have a gun – give me all your money and no one will get hurt,’” Emery said.

He said the robber did not show a gun to anyone in the bank, which is at Somerset Plaza. Emery said there were at least three employees in the bank at the time.

The sign was made of white cardboard and the words were written in black marker, Emery said. He wouldn’t say how much money the robber stole, but it was “not a lot.”

“They (bank employees) gave him the money and he walked out the door and around a big snowbank in the parking lot and disappeared,” Emery said.


He said a police dog tracked him to car or truck tracks. “He left in a vehicle, I’d say,” Emery said.

“We’re comparing it to some of the other robberies recently, and checking on a couple leads,” he said. He said police didn’t yet have any suspects.

The robbery was the second this week in Somerset County and the third in the last month.

Tuesday, Skowhegan Savings Bank in Bingham was robbed. Camden National Bank in Bingham was robbed Jan. 17. In both of those cases, the robber was described as a man wearing a ski mask and wielding a hammer.

No one has been charged in the Bingham robberies.

State police and Somerset County sheriff’s officials assisted Pittsfield police investigating Friday’s robbery.


Emery said he could not recall the last time a bank in Pittsfield was robbed.

“I don’t remember, and I’ve been here for 29 years,” he said.

According to Maine Crime Statistics, there were two bank robberies in Somerset County in 2012 and none in 2011.

Amy Calder can be contacted at 861-9247 or at:


Twitter: @AmyCalder17

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