The Maine House will soon vote on a citizens’ rights bill that received overwhelming bipartisan approval in 2013. A mailer recently sent out by the wind industry asks citizens to contact legislators and urge them to vote against L.D. 616 – this same citizens’ rights bill.

The industry blatantly misrepresented the intent and language of L.D. 616, saying: “Bills like LD 616 … seek to squeeze out new wind projects with bad policies that threaten jobs, clean air and a future less dependent on foreign fossil fuels.”

L.D. 616 doesn’t seek to “squeeze out” anything. It has nothing to do with wind projects, jobs or clean air. L.D. 616 will simply provide a vehicle through which residents can attempt to have their communities removed from the expedited permitting area, an “area”/zone they were placed into without their knowledge or permission.

It would restore due process – something that they had prior to 2008 and that more than 99 percent of Mainers still have.

This powerful corporate lobby mustn’t be allowed to muddy the waters.

L.D. 616 is straightforward and fair. It will not disallow wind development in the communities affected. It’s about citizens’ rights – period.

Karen Bessey Pease

Lexington Township


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