Tests point to Ebola virus in deadly West Africa outbreak

Samples from victims of a viral hemorrhagic fever that has killed more than 50 people in Guinea have tested positive for the Ebola virus, government officials said Sunday, marking the first time an outbreak among humans has been detected in this West African nation.

A Health Ministry statement on Saturday said 80 cases including 59 deaths had been reported.


First lady and daughters shoot down Great Wall chute


Just one day after taking issue with China’s “Great Firewall” of media restrictions, Michelle Obama on Sunday pulled a fast one on photographers hoping to capture something more than the predictable shot of her strolling with daughters along the Great Wall of China.

Obama and her handlers managed to distract U.S. and Chinese journalists while she and her daughters Malia and Sasha exited the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall via the touristy toboggan that races visitors from the wall’s heights.

No news photographers memorialized the moment.

It was a brilliant fake-out by a publicity-weary presidential spouse, who seems to yearn for fun moments that won’t be accompanied by hundreds of camera clicks. No doubt it was more thrilling than the dignified ascent. The Great Wall toboggans travel down a curvy metal chute.


Officials reportedly intercept cocaine destined for Vatican


The drug haul was unremarkable, but the destination raised eyebrows.

German customs officials intercepted a shipment of cocaine destined for the Vatican in January, weekly Bild am Sonntag reported Sunday.

Officers at Leipzig airport found 12 ounces of the drug packed into 14 condoms inside a shipment of cushions coming from South America, the paper, reported, citing a German customs report. It said the package was simply addressed to the Vatican postal office, meaning any of the Catholic mini-state’s 800 residents could have picked it up.


On TV show, Israel’s prime minister jokes about scandal

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown a rare light side by appearing on a popular TV satirical show on which he joked about the latest scandal tainting Israel’s first family.

Last week, a former member of his housekeeping staff, Meni Naftalli, filed a lawsuit claiming he was mistreated and verbally abused by Netanyahu’s wife, Sara.

– From news service reports

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