Where are the University of Maine system’s priorities? Until 2013, when the University of Southern Maine defunded the full-time teaching position I occupied, I made almost exactly what UMaine’s top financial officer, Rebecca Wyke, recently received as a raise. Unlike her, I taught over 100 students a semester, graded thousands of quizzes and exams, and had a direct impact on my students’ understanding of the world.

When I announced to my students that I wouldn’t be returning, I was greeted with moist eyes, handshakes of gratitude, and from the back of the room probably a few sighs of relief. I am sure Ms. Wyke is talented, works hard, and would be missed if she left, and I agree with Trustees Chair Samuel Collins when he said in reference to her raise: “It’s necessary for us to retain talented people for the hard work we’re doing right now.”

But why is it that they never say that about the faculty and staff?

David Kuchta



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