‘Off the Press’

“Off the Press, On the Wall,” featuring work by 18 artists from midcoast and central Maine, opens Monday at Points of View Art Gallery on Pleasant Street in Brunswick.

Coordinated by Brunswick artist Judith Long, the show includes monotypes, etchings, reliefs, serigraphs, collographs, cyanotypes and mixed-media prints, all by member artists of Circling the Square Fine Art Press in Gardiner.

Participating artists include Karen Adrienne, Robin Brooks, Christine Higgins, Judith Long, Diana McFarland, Emily Naples, Margo Ogden, Christine Olson, Rebekka Ouellette-Ames, Donna Parkinson, Ellen Roberts, Kris Sader, Susan Dean Smith, Jennifer Strode, Sarah Vosmus, Helen Warren, Lisa Wheeler and Barbra Whitten.

Adrienne is the owner and manager of Artdogs Studios and director of Circling the Square Fine Art Press. She is also an art professor at the University of Maine at Augusta, where she teaches drawing and printmaking. She is described as “a multidisciplinary artist who investigates transition and transformation.”

Brooks has an MFA in painting from Parsons School of Design and has been teaching art for many years. She is a painter, mixed-media artist and printmaker whose work is “inspired by the inner and outer landscape.”

Vosmus is a 2010 graduate of the University of Southern Maine and recipient of the J.W. Robinson Welfare Trust Scholarship to Circling the Square. Dean Smith has been an active member of Circling the Square Fine Art Press since 2007. She has a strong attention to detail, as seen in her drypoint and etching work.

An opening reception will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. June 13. The exhibit continues through June 27.

For more information, call 373-9300 or go tocirclingthesquarepress.com.

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