Shame on the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife for using taxpayers’ time and resources to oppose Question 1.

Shame on the IFW for appearing in advertising, trading on the visual authority of employees’ uniforms and guns to promote the IFW’s political opinion.

Shame on the IFW for claiming to represent the voice of every man and woman in the department.

Shame on the IFW for using scare tactics and getting people worked up about highly unlikely bear attacks.

Shame on the IFW for the lack of courtesy and respect it shows the 78,000-plus Maine residents who demanded a voice against the cruel and unsporting practices of baiting, hounding and trapping when hunting bears, and got Question 1 on the ballot.

IFW employees should do the jobs they are paid to do and let Mainers use their common sense to make up their own minds.

Constance McCabe


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