I heard recently, “Kids just don’t play like they used to.” My two boys may be exceptions since they love the outdoors and do play in The Piggery, a green space of grassy fields, woods and rocky ledge, just as many young Mainers did in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.

I believe kids’ playtime has been altered over the years due to us, the adults in their lives, organizing and overseeing any free time they might have. Another reason is that open, wild green spaces are in short supply.

I played in the woods next to my home until a house was built there. I played in my hometown college sports field and surrounding woods until the school fenced it off. I sledded a steep hill within walking distance of my home until it became a housing development.

We’re doing our kids no favors by organizing their every moment and building on every scrap of green that still exists.

Once again there are plans to insert a housing development in what is known as The Piggery, between Broadway and the bases of Vincent, Summit, Lowell and Everett avenues in South Portland.

These plans could dramatically alter the look and feel of our community. An informational meeting about the proposal will take place Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Betsy Ross House Community Room, 99 Preble St. Extension.

Thea Sames

South Portland

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