If a government program or business were 99.8 percent fraud-free, you’d probably say it was successful. Sure, two-tenths of one percent of fraud should still be investigated and eliminated, but it’s a minor amount in the overall success of the program.

That’s how Maine’s welfare program is working: 99.8 percent fraud-free, according to Department of Health and Human Services data on the use of EBT cards from Jan. 1, 2011, through Nov. 15, 2013.

So when Gov. LePage and many of his fellow Republicans claim welfare fraud is rampant in strip clubs, casinos and similar venues, it’s a whopper of an exaggeration.

Let’s elect people who want to reform welfare in a way that honestly looks at getting help to the truly needy and who don’t cloud the issues with fear-mongering.

Vote for Democrat Mike Michaud for governor, and support state legislators who aren’t whipping up the public about welfare fraud.

Janet Redfield


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