Friends got together and put on a Rock ”˜n’ Roll Oldies Dance on Oct. 18 in Kennebunkport and a second one on March 7 at the Eagle’s Hall in Biddeford.

The dances benefited the Ronald McDonald House, or RMH, of Portland.

Ticket sales were limited to 200 and sold out at both events. The two events made $7,445. To date, over $20,150 has been presented to the RMH of Portland. Organizers give a big thanks to all the people who attended the events and to all the committee members. A special thank you also goes out to the Eagle’s Club in Biddeford for allowing the use of their beautiful hall.

The Eagle’s Hall on Birch Street in Biddeford has already been booked for the next two dances. The first one is on Oct. 17, and the second one is on Feb. 13, 2016.

The dances will be held from 7 p.m. to midnight. Music will be rock ”˜n’ roll from the ”˜50s, ”˜60s, ”˜70s and ”˜80s with videos provided by Oldies “R” Us. Tickets are $10 per person. Be there or be square. For more information, call Event Coordinator Bruce Martin at 284-4692.

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