AUGUSTA — Maine lawmakers will have their hands full next week when they return to consider additional bills vetoed by Gov. Paul LePage.

The Republican governor vetoed 31 bills on Friday. He used the same veto letter for several bills, accusing lawmakers of “passing bills at breakneck speed, just so they can pack up and go home for the summer.”

LePage initially said he would veto all bills sponsored by Democrats because they refused to support a constitutional amendment to eliminate the income tax. Democrats said the governor has failed to come up with a plan to replace the revenue that would be lost.

Then the governor said he would veto all bills sent to his desk, regardless of the party of the sponsor, because lawmakers “wasted” time coming up with a budget the governor didn’t like. In retaliation, he said, he would waste their time.

Among the bills vetoed Friday is a measure that seeks to ensure more private wells are tested for contaminants such as arsenic.

Lawmakers are returning Tuesday to consider whether to override more of LePage’s vetoes. He has vetoed well over 100 bills so far this session, and the Legislature has overridden dozens of vetoes.

LePage also issued 79 line-item vetoes in the state’s two-year budget and a separate transportation budget. Those line-item vetoes were all overridden by the Legislature last week, but the governor is expected to veto the entire budget.

It’s anticipated that lawmakers will also return to Augusta after Independence Day to deal with any additional vetoes.

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