High honors: Olivia Aiken, Jacquelyn Allaire-MacDonald, Sophia Allaire-MacDonald, Nicholas Barry, Briannagh Beaudette, Kyle Beaupre, Daniel Behrens, Natalee Bickford, Saraphina Birtolo, William Blastos, Leah Bridgham, Brianna Brown, Britta Brown, Cole Cerabona, Carlyn Davis, Kylie DeFeo, Evan Enis, Mary Everett, Lenore Famosi, Elizabeth Flynn, Ava Gaulkin, Adia Grogan, Ava Haritos, Sarah Harmon, Cole Hoffman, Piper Kingston, Brady Lamontagne, Maxim LeBlanc, Hannah Liautaud, Kyla Lynch, Sydney Macedo, Sarah MacKinnon, Mackenzie MacLeod, Patricia Mankin, Amelia Marquez, Olivia McLean, Samuel Miale, Julia Milligan, Mia Murray, Chrisopher Nagorniak, Maggie Nguyen, Rachel Petrarca, Nguyen Pham, Judah Phipps-Costin, Jack Reetz, Evie Roop, Samantha Rouillard, Kellie Ryan, Quinn Sargent, Hallie Schwartzman, Jordyn Sullivan, James Sutton, Merredith Thibodeau, Osiris Thomas, Gabriel Vesenka and Curtis Welter.

Honors: Devin Bard, Sean Bradley, Francis Carroll, Carolanne Clark, Ian Connors, Emily Corleto, Mary Couturier, Timothy Eagan, Elizabeth Elkington, Tyler Fenderson, Ryan Ferrick, Christopher Grady, Lindsey Gregoire, John Gurski, Isabel Harms, Bryan Hickey, William Kenneway, Chloe Leonard, Marcus Luddy, Angelina Macedo, Jade MacKilligan, Owen Manahan, Kody Martin, Jack Mason, Michael Meads, Isabelle Mosher, Cameron Neale, Owen Nelson, Trevor Nelson, Michelle Parrish, Andrew Pastorelli, Emma Patterson, Ashton Perry, Alexander Robbie-Johnston, Morgan Shmalo, Sophia Smith, Kurt Stentiford, Christopher Taggart, Alysson Tarr, Emily Temple, Sydney Waitt, John Weaver and Thomas Zub.


High honors: Samantha Abelson, Kaitlyn Anderson, Eliza Bartlett, Elizabeth Cain, Madalyn Chapman, Camden Connor, Robert Davis, Hannah Dente, Leah Dumas, Miles Eaton, Caleb Eickmann, Dustin Ewy, Gabrielle Fogg, Madison Harakles, Louise Holway, Eliza Johnson, Brendan Keefe, John Kiley, Katherine Koch, Alissa Kruszenski, Kristin L’Heureux, Nathan Ladd, Madison Lux, Mimi MacKilligan, Kate Mallory, Angus McLean, Emily McPike, Timothy Moyer, Ivana Mulcahy, Emma Murphy, Renee Nichols, Quinn Normandeau, Hannah Richelieu, Lauren Richelieu, Emma Rogers, Kylie Rossborough, Gabrielle Roy, Ella Rumpf, Kyle Ryan, Casey Schatzabel, Chloe Smith, Emma Stevens, Kaila Thomas, Hannah Thomson, Brenden Whitten, Justin Wiggins, Samantha Witkus and Logan Zandri.

Honors: Matthew Albaum, Lukas Alexandre, Juliet Auman, Shanelle Baker, Mallory Burchill, Sabrina Cabral, Lydia Corcoran, Ally Coughlan, Anna Cressey, Spencer Desrochers, Hayley Emmons, Kyle Emmons, Grace Forrest, Allie Gregoire, Elizabeth Heikkinen, Alexander Hussey, Olivia Kudas, Abigail Langley, Jenna LeBarge, Scott Lightbody, Erin Magaw, Nathan Masteller, Grace Mastrangelo, Ashlyn Moran, Alexis Nichols, Marran Oakman, Cassandra Pastorelli, Liesl Quigley, Brian Radel, Sydney Richelieu, Katharina Roese, Adam Rollins, Riley Small, Sierra Tartre, Sarah Thill, Garrett Trufant, Hayley Wuerthner, and Colin Yates.



High honors: Eric Aiken, Steven Anastas, Logan Aromando, Jasmine Askew, Stephanie Ayotte, Ameliagh Beaudette, Travon Bradford, Riley Burrows-Brown, Sydney Campbell, Elizabeth Carroll, Katherine Charlton, Ryan Chiasson, Meira Clark, Donovan Connor, Rosemary Crimp, Lucas Deely, Autumn Desrosiers, Amy Eckland, Olivia Ferrick, Patrick Grady, Gabriella Harrison, Ashley Kayser, Shae Kingston, Kristen Koch, Joelle Krause, Nathan LaPointe, Mackenzie Lewia, Marshall Lowery, Stephanie Macisso, Lauren Mercer, Briaunna Meyer, Charles Miller, Kelli Molloy, Mia Noble, William O’Neil, Molly Parent, Kylie Plunkett, Kathleen Rakes, Carlton Robie, Grace Robinson, Kathryn Ross, Olivia Sandford, Kyra Schwartzman, Cara Small, Taressa Smith, Erin Snow, Alexander Sullivan, Stephanie Sullivan, Victoria Sweet, Spencer Thibodeau, Julia Towne, Isaac Vaccaro, Matthew Whalen and Claudia Zuil Ortego.

Honors: Issak Allaire-MacDonald, Alec Barry, Jacob Bickford, Donald Bryant, Jennifer Bush, Malori Cole, Erykah Condon, Joseph Corbett, Ryan Coughlan, Mary Farmer, Patrick Gassman, Jonah Gauthier, Brittany Guillemette, Fiona Harms, Zheng He, Madison Hornbeck, Chloe Kapantais, Zander Kosmala, Gabrielle Krutuleski, Isabella Kudas, Jesse Lacasse, Alexander Larrabee, Tam Huu Le, Anna Luddy, Emily Moore, Liam Nelligan, Benjamin Nunan, Shannon O’Toole, James Ross, Mary Sachs, Carly Sandler, Tristan Sandoval, Brooke, Seeley, Nathaniel Thelin, Evan Warren, Talia Webber, Gabrielle White and Ezekiel Wilson.


High honors: Samantha Auriemma, Katherine Bauld, Joseph Beaudoin, Eric Bjoerk, Rachel Brigham, Jacob Connors, Jonathan Curran, Andrea Dest, Sydney Douston, Abigail Doyle, Caroline Dunn, Emily Ferrick, Andrew Flynn, Alexander Gaulkin, Corey Gilbert, Ryan Guevin, Olivia Hammer-Grant, Samuel Heikkinen, Thea Hollman, Hannah Ingham, Allison King, Timothy Lavallee, Mark Lightbody, Samantha Machado, Sarah Mallory, Jansen Manahan, Castine Mathews, Cara McCluskey, Jennifer McGuire, Maia Mulcahy, Jaclin Murphy, Jacob Oransky, Hannah Pepin, Kylie Reynolds, Katherine Richard, Emily Rickert, Sienna Roberge, Madison Shmalo, Sarah Spaulding, Zanna Spinney, Jeremy Sudol, Harrison Vosburgh, Allison Weaver, Alyssa Weigle and Sabrina Wing.

Honors: Jacob Boothby, Sasha Boudreau, Hannah Brown, Isabella Bruns, Andrew Burns, Brian Campbell, Hunter Coughlan, Jonah Desrochers, Tyler Dickinson, Kate Doody, Meaghan Dube, John Graydon, Caroline Hoch, Shanni Jervis, Connor Johnson, Heather Kidwell, Cameron Ledesma, Linda Line, Caitlyn Littlefield, Julie Ludwig, Anne Lyden, James Macolini, Jivanna Mason, Shelby Monk, Allison Morgan, Erin Murphy, Isaac Nicoll, Shane Normandeau, David Parker, Dylan Putnam, Austin Ramsdell, Marissa Staples, Nicholas Staples, Carter Stone, Nichole Violette, Timothy Walsh, Kristin Wiewel, Eric Yemma and Rebecca Zub.

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