The Planned Parenthood commentary by Sarah Collins (“Taking sides at Planned Parenthood,” Aug. 30) took most of the front page of last Sunday’s Insight section. Will the other side of the opinion be provided the same amount of space?

Calling protesters who were quietly trying to dissuade anyone from aborting a life “anti-abortion” implies they were right-wing or conservative, which may be why this term was used. What are protesters for abortions called? “Pro-abortion activists”? “Pro-abortionists”? Let’s make it apples and apples – “Pro-life” vs. “Pro-abortion”; “Anti-life” vs. “Anti-abortion”!

Concerned citizens were orderly and quiet. Ms. Collins thought the escorts kept the peace by engaging patients in conversation, by keeping their heads turned away from the pro-life message. This type of engagement is done so patients won’t see the images of a life soon to be destroyed – perhaps changing their minds.

Women can keep pregnancy away: over-the-counter contraceptives; IUDs; condoms; tubal ligations; the morning-after pill, etc. There are so many ways to ensure a pregnancy doesn’t happen. The best one is abstinence.

Many free clinics exist providing Pap smears, mammograms, etc. Women do not have to go to Planned Parenthood for routine exams.

Pregnancy is not a “women’s health” issue. It is why females exist: to produce the next generation, not destroy it. The “health” issue is solely on the poor baby being destroyed!


The U.S. has child protective laws. An Arizona woman recently was arrested because she left her 2-month-old son in a car seat in a grocery cart for 40 minutes.

A few months earlier, this same 2-month-old could have been destroyed via abortion – his mother would not have been arrested for child endangerment for that.

We live in a very twisted society!

Barbara Britten


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