It recently was my honor to announce that SaviLinx will be hiring an additional 200 agents this spring

It is a milestone for us made possible by many, including the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority — which encouraged us to set up shop at Brunswick Landing — the Brunswick Town Council and the Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber, our state and federal delegations and especially to Sen. Angus King. Sen. King, more than a decade ago as governor, laid the groundwork for businesses like SaviLinx to thrive here and today he continues to support small businesses at the federal level.

I am grateful to the Portland Press Herald for breaking the news (“SaviLinx seeks 200 employees to fill new contract work in Brunswick,” March 11). Thank you, too, to readers who shared our news by word of mouth or via social media and every Facebook follower and tweet!

Our announcement that a current client is expanding its work with SaviLinx is a testament that our strategy to acquire both government and commercial contracts is working, that our staff is knowledgeable, skilled, and reliable and that our management team is solid. Our people are our most valuable asset!

Maine is my home. I remain steadfast to growing SaviLinx here. As SaviLinx’s CEO and founder, I am both humbled and grateful for the collective efforts that made our announcement possible and the generosity of those people who shared in the moment and the news.

Thank you.

Heather Blease


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