Residents of the town of Gorham will vote this month on its school budget and the purchase of two new fire trucks.

The proposed $36.5 million school budget for 2016-2017 represents an increase of $1.4 million or 4 percent from the current year, pending approval from the Gorham Town Council before going out to voters on June 14.

That would increase the tax rate by 87 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation or $174 for a $200,000 home.

Much of the increase – $560,000 – is budgeted in the schools’ capital improvement program.

Superintendent Heather Perry said that money will be used to improve heating systems and make other building efficiencies.

Other additional costs come from contracted salary increases and the addition of two elementary school teachers to meet enrollment needs.


Voters will also decide, as they do in every district every three years, whether to continue the budget validation process or do away with the annual school budget referendum.

Additionally, they’ll be asked whether to borrow $1.4 million to buy a new ladder fire engine and a new tank fire engine.

The vehicles would replace trucks that are 27 and 26 years old.

Leslie Bridgers can be contacted at 791-6364 or at:

Twitter: lesliebridgers

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