Women fly-fishers, 6 p.m. Aug. 2, South Portland

Join the Maine Women’s Flyfishers at their next meeting at Sea Dog Brewing Company in South Portland. Women are invited to learn where local fishing spots are and how to fish them. For more information, email Evelyn@evelynking.net, or go to the Maine TU Women Flyfishers Facebook page.

Blueberry barren, 4 p.m. July 28, Appleton

Join the Georges River Land Trust for a hike through the blueberry barrens on Appleton Ridge off Route 131. Explore the link between pollinators and Maine blueberry production. Francis Drummond, professor of insect ecology and insect pest management at the University of Maine, will lead the hike. Go to www.georgesriver.org or call 594-5166 for more information.


Volunteers needed in Scarborough

At the Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center, volunteers can assist with bird monitoring in July and August, help with canoe rentals and also lead nature tours. No experience is necessary; training will be provided. Email smac@maineaudubon.org or call 883-5100 to learn more.

Send event listings to dfleming@pressherald.com

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