“Background checks work” – that’s the logo on the “Yes on 3” signs. As a hunter, I agree. When I bought my first shotgun last week, I had a background check.

I don’t agree with Question 3 because it’s unenforceable and already in place: Under federal law, all federal firearms dealers are required to do background checks every time they sell a firearm.

Something I don’t appreciate is when I make a special trip to get a “No on 3” sign, place it in front of Bath Savings Institution at Northgate and find it gone two days later. It frustrates and saddens me that the people claiming they support Maine gun owners’ rights and the Second Amendment apparently don’t support the First Amendment’s right to free speech.

I support the background checks that we already have in place, but I can’t support unnecessary background checks that create additional legal burdens for Maine’s gun market.

Austin Stevens


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