Twenty-seven national monuments are being reviewed by the Trump administration, including our Katahdin Woods and Waters.

My family visited this beautiful place just two days after it was declared a national monument by then-President Barack Obama. There is no reason whatsoever for this amazing place to not be a national monument. This land was purchased by Roxanne Quimby and donated to the federal government. She even donated the money needed to maintain it for an extended period of time.

Those who were against this land becoming a national monument are concerned about the loss of timber, which is an important part of the economy of that part of Maine. However, Ms. Quimby owned this land and never would have allowed timber to be cut on this particular land, even if she maintained control of it. Therefore, there was never a question of loss of timber for industry.

She loves the land and wants to share it with the rest of the world. Why on earth would anybody object? It will bring tourists to the area: people who want to spend the night at a cabin or motel, buy meals, hire a guide, etc. It won’t be a huge flood of people – just an increase in the awareness of the area and utilization of the services provided by the locals.

The Maine Sunday Telegram has reported that real estate brokers have seen an increase in interest in the area already.

Why would anybody want to have the national monument reversed?

Caroline Knight


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