Like many of President Trump’s tweets, the one lashing out at filmmaker Michael Moore seemed to come out of nowhere.

“While not at all presidential … ” it began, before taking aim at Moore’s Broadway play, “The Terms of My Surrender,” which had ended its run the weekend before.

“I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!” Trump tweeted.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to send such a tweet on the cusp of a Saturday evening – though, like Moore himself, “The Terms of My Surrender” did not hold back on its criticisms of Trump and his presidency.

Officially, the play was billed as “a hilarious satirical tour through the depraved new world we find ourselves in since appointing a madman as the leader of the free world.”

A few hours after Trump’s tweet posted, Moore responded on Twitter to dispute claims that the show had bombed or closed early. “The Terms of My Surrender” began previews at Belasco Theatre in New York on July 28 and officially opened Aug. 10. It was always scheduled for a 12-week engagement; its final performance was Oct. 22.


Moore said as much Saturday, reiterating that the limited run was because of his commitments to other TV and movie projects.

“On Broadway, Donald, they call it a ‘LIMITED ENGAGEMENT’ – just like we’re planning on making your presidency,” Moore fired back at Trump in one of a dozen threaded tweets.

Moore also posted an undated photo of himself with Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, claiming he still had “one fan in the White House.”

In addition, Moore claimed “The Terms of My Surrender” was the highest-grossing nonmusical play of the summer, “despite my offering $29 cheap seats + free student tix so ALL could afford.”

Moore also accused Trump of trying to distract from more-pressing issues, such as the situation in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and special counsel Robert Mueller III’s ongoing investigation into whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russians seeking to meddle in the 2016 election.

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