WASHINGTON — Concerns about workplace sexual harassment are up once again, after reaching a high point in October, with Republicans driving the latest push in labeling harassment a serious national problem.

Americans are split about whether widespread attention on sexual harassment in recent months has gone too far, not gone far enough or been about right. But over 6 in 10 predict that the recent attention to the issue will create a lasting change in the way society deals with the sexual harassment of women, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

A 72 percent majority now says sexual harassment of women in the workplace is a “serious problem,” up eight percentage points from an October Post-ABC poll and 25 points from 2011. The latest survey finds 11 percent say harassment is a problem, but not serious, while 13 percent say it’s not a problem at all.

Republicans expressed the least concern of any political party in October, with 42 percent saying harassment of women at work is a serious problem, little different from 38 percent in 2011. But that has rocketed to 59 percent in the latest survey, a 17-point rise.

The sharpest increase occurred among Republican men. The percentage saying workplace harassment of women is a serious problem rose by 19 points from October to this month, 38 to 57 percent. Just under half of Republican women said it was a serious problem in October, and that’s now up to about 6 in 10.

Republicans’ rising concern has shrunken the partisan divide on the issue, although a significantly larger 84 percent of Democrats and 72 percent of independents say harassment is a serious problem facing the country. The gender gap is smaller but also persists, with 77 percent of women and 67 percent of men saying workplace harassment of women is a serious problem.

After the latest rise in concern, a majority of every major demographic and political group now say workplace sexual harassment of women is a serious problem in the United States.

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