A number of schools have suspended class time to permit students to participate in the national walkout protesting gun violence (“Portland allows students to join March 14 walkout,” March 4, Page C2).

While I understand that this effort stems from a supportive place, school administrators are completely missing the point. If protesters are not missing class time, it is not a protest. The power of the walkout comes from a sacrifice and a rebellion against the powers that be. Though we are not protesting the school, we seek to disrupt the school day to stand for what we believe in.

Further, if there is a break, students who do not wish to protest will be forced to miss class and have their learning interrupted for something they don’t agree with.

If administrators truly want to support students speaking up, they should continue the school day on a normal schedule and let students organize themselves.

Maria Kuhn

student, Falmouth High School


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