A recent article (May 27) headlined “Choice facing Democrats: Nominate unabashed progressive or someone ‘electable’ ” seemed to suggest nominating either a moderate or someone really progressive. Why not both?

What if there were a candidate for governor with a clear record of accomplishment, who knows every corner of Maine, has support from a wide range of voters and is tough enough to lead and smart enough to get us there?

What if they’d stood up to the current administration and prevented even more damage to our way of life?

What if they’d sued (and won) huge settlements from Big Pharma, Wall Street, Big Tobacco, automakers?

What if they’d invested those settlements in vocational education programs, expanding broadband, charging stations for electric cars, etc., and did it in the face of opposition?

By now you know I’m talking about Janet Mills, the articulate fighter for Maine, but do you know this part?


In 2016, Gov. LePage vetoed a naloxone bill that would have saved lives of people on the very edge of death. Unfortunately, once again, Republicans in the Legislature would not stand up to him, even on a literally life-and-death issue. Janet Mills acted. She bought hundreds of naloxone kits and delivered them all over the state to public safety departments. By now, these kits have saved the lives of over 300 Mainers, people who made a wrong choice but now have a second chance.

We don’t need to guess how Janet will face President Trump. She’s taken him to court and she will always fight for Maine, for jobs, for health care, for climate, for rural Maine and urban Maine, and for every person. She loves Maine, and we’d be lucky to have her building on her strong relationship with the Legislature and moving Maine into the future. Why not have it all?

Phil Bailey


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