This is in response to the article “Climate change may be starting to disrupt the planet’s seasons,” printed in the July 22 Maine Sunday Telegram.

The article said that “due to four decades of satellite data, scientists have concluded, for the first time, that humans are pushing seasonal temperature out of balance – shifting the march of the seasons themselves.”

The article goes on to state that “Ever-mindful of calculable uncertainty and climate deniers, the authors give odds of roughly five in one million of these changes occurring naturally without human influence.”

Well, I hate to deflate their balloon and their extremely long four decades of satellite observations, but a million years of Antarctic ice core observations blow a big whole in their revelation.

Their odds of five in one million of this occurring naturally has already occurred naturally five times.

Antarctic ice core samples that go back 1 million years clearly show that what we are now experiencing has occurred five times during the past one million years.

It occurs naturally every 120 thousand years, in conjunction with the well-documented and scientifically proven Milankovitch cycles and interactions of the Earth and moon orbits.

David Dilley


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