Over the past month, I’ve had several opportunities to speak with Zak Ringelstein, the Democratic challenger for U.S. senate. During our conversations, it quickly became clear that Zak is not your typical politician. My first clue was that he is a candidate for U.S. Senate and he was talking to me. I wasn’t wearing a suit, and didn’t have a big check in my hand, but Zak still took the time to have an actual conversation. That’s rare enough, but what really sets Zak apart from most politicians is that he is rejecting all money from corporations and PACs. Zak wants all people, not just the multi-millionaires and corporations, to have control over who gets elected and how they vote.

Here is what you get when you elect people like Zak. Instead of someone who spends the majority of their time on the phone, dialing for dollars from a list of big money donors, Zak would spend all of his time working for all Mainers. Working to create more living-wage jobs in Maine by embracing new and innovative industries. Working toward Medicare for all, so that millions of people are not forced to live in fear about their next medical bill. Working to end the era of Citizens United and legalized influence peddling. Working to provide superior services for our military and veterans. Investing in our future by strengthening our public schools, and protecting our environment for future generations. Zak will work toward pragmatic solutions for the benefit of all, and not just the elite.

This November, we can accept the way things are, or we can reclaim our representative democracy. Maine can lead the charge in this fight, and that’s why I’m supporting Zak Ringelstein for U.S. Senate.

Dylan Stark


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