Would you prefer to vote for a candidate for governor who is ready and willing to put the Maine people over partisanship? Independent Terry Hayes is that candidate.

Terry is demonstrating her commitment to this principle by running as the only Clean Elections candidate in the race – which means she won’t accept money from special interests and isn’t beholden to wealthy donors. She will continue that commitment when elected to the Blaine House.

Terry has served as a state representative and is currently state treasurer. She has developed relationships and earned respect from leaders on both sides of the aisle. She knows how government works, and she knows that we can’t afford four more years of a major-party candidate in the Blaine House.

Republicans and Democrats created the problem in Augusta when they started caring more about the welfare of their parties than our state as a whole. It will require an experienced, independent leader like Terry Hayes to change the culture and reinstate collaborative, consensus-based governance. Please look at her platform and consider supporting her in November!

Julie Prevost-Lucci

South Portland

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