The Southern Poverty Law Center has served for nearly 50 years as a civil rights advocacy organization, best known for monitoring and fighting the KKK, dangerous white supremacists, and other hate groups operating on the dark fringe of American society. The SPLC should be thanked for shining a light on these hate groups that like to operate in the shadows of American society.

Last week, however, a prominent Republican member of the Legislature said the SPLC is a “hate group.” I was stunned by the remarks made by Sen. Amy Volk. She is seeking re-election in Senate District 30, covering parts of Scarborough, Gorham and Buxton. Usually Volk tries to sweeten her image at election time to portray herself as a moderate, middle-of-the-road politician. But sometimes the veil is lifted and what we see is not so moderate, not so sweet, and not worth of representing us in Augusta.

Susan Auglis

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