Re: “Our View: Noise aside, the fact is that Jared Golden won in Maine’s 2nd District” (Dec. 28):

Notwithstanding your rather lengthy editorial on the merits of ranked-choice voting, here’s the bottom line. The voters of the 2nd District soundly rejected this system as a means of electing the officials who represent them. Had their wishes been respected, Bruce Poliquin would continue to be their U.S. representative.

However, their distinct preference was negated and overwhelmed by the totally separate and distinct liberal constituency in southern Maine who concocted this abomination because of Paul LePage’s plurality gubernatorial victories in 2010 and 2014.

The Maine Constitution is the most appropriate reference as to how things should function in the electoral process according to the people’s wishes, and that is the document that should control this process. The liberals knew they didn’t have the votes to achieve their aims doing it this way, and instead found a loophole to get their way. Clever, but totally reprehensible!

Don Vose


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