In his Jan. 11 commentary, Mike Thibodeau rightly criticizes the declining level of political discourse in America. The former legislator’s one-sided description of the issue, however, greatly undercuts the impact of his argument.

Thibodeau focuses on a single crude comment by newly elected U.S. House member Rashida Tlaib toward President Trump, then admonishes Speaker Nancy Pelosi at length for not addressing the matter, asserting she has failed in her responsibility toward the House and America in general. Yet Thibodeau only mentions in passing President Trump’s litany of reprehensible comments toward a broad range of public and private figures.

If Tlaib’s comment deserves our attention (I agree), then why doesn’t Thibodeau specifically condemn, for example, Trump’s sarcastic tweet last fall that turned U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff’s last name into a scatological reference?

Thibodeau’s call to elevate public discourse rings hollow when he roundly criticizes the Democrats but lets the vulgarian-in-chief heading his party off the hook.

Karl Albrecht


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