SCARBOROUGH — A special election will be held June 11 to replace Town Councilor Shawn Babine, who is resigning to focus on his role as a state legislator.

Babine, a Democrat who was elected to the House of Representatives last November in District 29, resigned from the council effective June 10.

Shawn Babine Photo courtesy of The Forecaster

He said he grew up in a family that cherished public service, and has tried to balance his banking career and his family life with the demands of being both a legislator and town councilor.

“While some constituents want me to continue as a councilor, I have to listen to my family and balance what’s most important,” he said at Wednesday’s council meeting. “My advocacy in Augusta needs my attention now, because of the issues the state is facing.”

Over the last 20 years Babine has served on the school board, council and other local committees and boards. He is chairman of the council’s three-person finance committee.

“I plan to fulfill my obligation through the budget process,” Babine said. He also offered to cover any cost the town incurs as a result of the special election.


The June 11 special election to fill the remainder of his term, which ends November 2020, will coincide with the annual school budget validation vote. Polls will be open at Scarborough High School from 7 a.m.-8 p.m.

Nomination papers are available now and must be returned with 25 signatures to the city clerk’s office by the close of business Tuesday, April 30.

In Augusta, Babine is a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Innovation Development, Economic Activity and Commerce, and was the lead sponsor of LD 334, “An Act To Change the Definition of Renewable Capacity Resource.” He has also co-sponsored almost 40 other bills.

Babine said he will miss serving on the local level, but feels both he and the town are in a good place right now.

“It was always a great pleasure to serve on the council, and school board, on the local level and even as I sit in the Legislature, it is one of the greatest honors I have had in my life,” he said.

Michael Kelley can be reached at 780-9106 or Follow him on Twitter: @mkelleynews.

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