Judge Balentine issued a verdict on mankind that I feel is unfeeling.

The judge issued a decision that “There is no death with dignity, except when one dies so another can live … “

Horse hockey.

I knew a woman who lived with pain on a daily, hourly basis towards the end of her life. She went through pain walking, standing up and getting in and out of cars and bed and, even at times, her clothes.

Does Mr. Balentine think that’s life with dignity? What steps would Judge Balentine take to help someone in that condition?

The drug of choice was nicotine. She was exhausted from trying to face the day. She knew that her family was doing what they could for her, but she knew that her life was ending so she smoked herself to a stroke. On her last day on earth, she looked lovingly at her husband by her side and struggled to say, with love and dignity,”It’s OK, it’s OK.”

Christopher Bove

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