One of the numerous tasks of the FBI is to investigate the doings of any American who might be suspect in some fashion. In this regard, I find it astounding that our president did not turn to the FBI to investigate the relationship of Joe and Hunter Biden to Ukraine, rather than behaving as he did, thus encouraging his impeachment inquiry. I keep wondering why the media have not pointed this out to any extent, if at all.

I am also astounded at the media’s being willing to accept the equivocation of the Trumpites when they are asked specific questions during an interview. For the benefit of us all, the media’s response in such situations should be “What have you done that you are too embarrassed to let the American people know? For if that were not the case, you would be forthright and answer my question.”

As an American, I am really tired of the lack of honesty and forthrightness we are currently experiencing from our federal administration!

William J. Leffler II


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