A recent editorial in the Press Herald cogently summed up the urgent need for action to effectively deal with the climate catastrophe that is bearing down on us all. (“‘Alarm bells’ continue to ring on climate” June 25.)

In this clarion call for a societal shift away from the use of fossil fuels that is driving climate change, the editorial board urged the adoption of ambitious policies that will not only effectively tackle the crisis, but will do so in the rapidly diminishing time we have left to act. To this point, federal legislation that would impose a carbon fee on the fossil fuel industry would need to be an integral part of any comprehensive effort to counter the unfolding disaster.

Prominent among several bills currently being considered in Congress is H.R. 763, “The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act,” which would provide a market-based approach that would appeal to Americans across the political spectrum. The plan proposed by this bill is comprehensive and well-researched, and is supported by over 3,500 U.S. economists of all political stripes.

The dividends provided by the fees imposed on companies like Exxon and BP would financially protect and benefit most Americans – especially those in lower income brackets. The market forces resulting from its implementation would also result in a boom for alternative energy companies and ideas – the very kinds of solutions to the crisis urged by the Press Herald editors.

I encourage readers to visit the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act website and see if it doesn’t make sense.

Tom Berry

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