Missing the Nestling Duck

To the editor,

Driving by what for years was The Nestling Duck Gift Shop located near the bottom of Pine Point Road, I find myself remembering how lovely and unique the shop was. I recollect how often I enjoyed going there, shopping and looking out the second- floor back window at the many vibrant colors of the fall season in the marsh. The birds eye view was such a bonus.

After the fall weather, there was the usual preparation for the upcoming holidays to display gifts, Christmas cards, ornaments and more. Sunday afternoons during the Christmas season, the “Duck” was beautifully decorated. Sometimes on late afternoons, holiday cookies and warm cider was available for customer enjoyment. I was grateful I could stay in Scarborough to shop rather than having to go to the mall where all merchandise looked pretty much the same.

It was very sad when the Duck was forced to shut down. It happened fast; in fact, the manager said she found out about the closure just after ordering her Christmas merchandise. Then the building was redesigned apparently for seafood processing.

I don’t know what’s happening to the property now. The Nestling Duck is long gone. What is apparent is that the property is empty and fenced in keeping curious onlookers away. The ugly “for sale” sign out front is such a jarring message of failure.


It somewhat reminds me of the terrible business decision made years ago in Portland to “tear down Union Station” only to replace it with a small strip mall, a rather shoddy reminder of the once-splendid rail terminal. Union Train Station was a special part of Portland history that many of us recall with fondness. Its destruction so upset the residents of the area that Greater Portland Landmarks was started to avoid such losses from happening again.

There’s no bringing back Union Station. That is Portland’s loss. Oh, that Pine Point would fare better with a re-hatch of the Nestling Duck. Soon I will be bringing out my Christmas ornaments purchased at my favored local gift shop, and remembering the many enjoyable hours spent there.

Because the Nestling Duck added a welcoming charm to the gateway of Pine Point, how wonderful it would be if some innovative business person would bring it back to us.

Glenda MacLachlan

Concerned residents want more to support ‘Black Lives Matter’

To the editor,


On Monday Oct. 26, Scarborough School staff received an “Elections Reminder” memo identifying “Black Lives Matter” as a controversial political statement. A statement to be regulated by the “Controversial Issues” policy. Black children in the Scarborough Schools — who have repeatedly been the target of racist “jokes” and slurs from their peers — were told that the adults tasked with teaching and protecting them would not be permitted to publicly affirm that they matter.

While we do appreciate the Scarborough School Board’s public statement indicating their belief that the policy had been “incorrectly interpreted” and correctly identifying Black Lives Matter as a human rights movement, the Scarborough School Administration has issued several further communications without formally rescinding the initial guidance and without affirming that Black lives matter.

We support the School Board’s short term plans to develop resolution in support of safe and inclusive schools. We support the School Administration’s longer term plans to develop a core group of culturally competent educators and to conduct a curriculum audit.

We also recommend a standing Anti-Racism Working Group to advise the teachers, the administration and the board. Until the people who have experienced racism in our schools are brought to the table, opportunities will be missed, missteps will occur and children will continue to suffer. We can do better. We must do better.

Deb McDonough
Frayla Tarpinian
Cate Marvin
Erin Rowan
Kelly Murphy
Magili Quinn
Amanda Esson

Scarborough teachers appreciated


To the editor,

I am writing today to let the Scarborough teachers know how loved and appreciated they are. They have been tasked with the near impossible goal of teaching through a pandemic both in-person and virtually during one of the most tumultuous sociopolitical eras in recent history. They have been told what conversations and statements to avoid and have been scrutinized on social media platforms, yet continue to show up to enrich the lives of the students they teach.

I was a junior at Scarborough High School when the 9/11 attacks occurred. I was in a classroom, watching the story unfold in real time. Shortly thereafter, we were at war with Iraq. The Scarborough teachers were the ones to educate us and help us understand the political landscape. They listened to our fears. They moderated arguments between students on either side of the aisle. They made us feel safe and supported. I remember the lights going off and being told to sit quietly in between lab tables while in Chemistry class during an Anthrax scare. I remember my teachers being calm and steadfast leaders at that time and always.

The Scarborough school system is one of the main reasons my husband and I chose to settle down in this community after a decade away. The teachers in this school have remained in my life and in my heart always. Some came to my wedding and have met my babies. They are an incredible group of individuals who shape young minds and encourage intellectual curiosity, hard work, doing what’s right, and standing up against what’s wrong. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for helping to shape me into the person I am today and want them to know that I hold the utmost respect for them and their profession.

Mariah Peric

Fire chief thanks voters for supporting ladder truck


To the editor,

On behalf of the entire Scarborough Fire Department, I would like to thank the voters of Scarborough for supporting the replacement of our ladder truck at the polls yesterday. Our community has always supported us when necessary purchases like this are needed, and we very much appreciate it. The members of our department, and I personally, want to thank you for your support of our mission by providing safe and efficient apparatus to help us serve the citizens of Scarborough in your time of need.

Fire Chief B. Michael Thurlow

Carney thanks election staff and voters

To the editor,

Thank you to all who made the Nov. 3 election a success. The South Portland, Cape Elizabeth and Scarborough clerks and Maine’s secretary of state worked for months to allow voters to cast ballots safely and securely by mail, drop off or in person. As a candidate and voter, I appreciate all the election workers and civic-minded volunteers who made sure we could exercise the right to vote. Voters also deserve a heartfelt thanks: your willingness to adapt ensured that the 2020 election was a success. Everyone deserves a big pat on the back, though for now an “air hug” will have to do.

Preliminary results indicate I will have the honor of representing Senate District 29 in the Maine Senate. Especially in these uncertain times, when we need more than ever to count on one another, I am moved and inspired by the confidence you’ve placed in me. I want to acknowledge and thank Stephanie Anderson for her dedication to our community and for running a positive, issues-focused, and respectful campaign.

Finally, to all who took part in this election, and especially to those who helped in my campaign, my deepest thanks. Let’s go forward together, as a community, state and country, to a time of healing and rebuilding. I’m confident our community and Mainers across the state will continue to face our challenges with determination, care for each other throughout our pandemic winter, and keep working together for a better future.

Anne Carney

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