It’s exciting to see Brunswick School Department officials do their homework and make the right decision for students, taxpayers and the community at large by purchasing two new propane-powered school buses.

School buses carry our nation’s most precious cargo – our children – so it’s a decision school districts can’t afford to get wrong. New propane school buses are clean, reliable and affordable — a trifecta that other school buses simply can’t match.

Children deserve to ride to school in a healthy, clean, quiet bus. Not only are these buses quiet, new propane school bus technology operates razor-close to zero emissions, they start when temperatures outside are below zero, and they don’t require charging. For the taxpayers footing the bill, propane wins again. Electric bus options can cost four times that of a propane school bus for nearly identical emissions profiles. In a news story published Nov. 2, Michelle Caron, director of transportation for the school department, said the cost for an electric bus is “a pretty hard price to pay.” Well said, Director Caron.

Unfortunately, we’re still seeing districts get distracted by the allure of electric school buses, only to be stuck with a major case of buyer’s remorse. Brunswick School Department officials deserve a hearty congratulations for doing their due diligence with such an important purchase.

Tucker Perkins
president and CEO, Propane Education & Research Council
Washington, D.C.

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