A campaign is underway, organized by Maine Healthcare Action, to place a resolve on next year’s ballot directing the Legislature to implement a publicly funded, equitable health care system for all Maine residents. I am collecting signatures as a campaign volunteer. Why am I doing this?

When I was employed, I was well covered by the health insurance plan provided by my employer. I am now well covered by Medicare. Not all are so fortunate. I consider it only fair that all my fellow citizens receive the same benefits that I do. They are all just as deserving.

Since I enrolled in Medicare 10 years ago, I have seen how well government-run health insurance can work. I am free to choose my providers and am not restricted to a certain network. I have never had coverage denied. I believe that if everyone knew how good those of us on Medicare have it there would be overwhelming public support for universal health care.

The resolve does not advocate socialized medicine. Provision of all medical services would remain in private hands. By “universal health care,” we mean health insurance that has the largest possible risk pool. Risk is shared by everyone, and everyone shares in the benefits.

The campaign to gather signatures will soon enter its final month. I encourage readers to seek out a volunteer and sign the petition to support this initiative. It would be a source of great pride to all Mainers if we could lead the nation in this important area.

Michael P. Bacon

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