We reap what we sow.

The country of Ukraine sows seeds of wheat to feed most of the world. There won’t be any seeds sown this year.

The Russian dictator is sowing seeds of injustice and tyranny, destroying a country where a democracy is the will of the people. Let us hope freedom emerges from the ashes of his destruction. We are all watching. We will all pay a price to maintain democracy in Ukraine and wherever democracy exists, including America.

NATO cannot allow this thug in Russia to perpetuate the same atrocities he executed in Syria, another country demolished by his bombs and chemical weapons.

Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth could not tolerate blood on her hands. Vladimir Putin cares nothing for the sanctity of life or his own soul. He is not losing any sleep by having blood on his hands.

There are things in life beyond our control. Putin’s behavior was tolerated in Syria. An invisible red line has no effect in stopping a dictator. Putin is now destroying Ukraine. Millions of innocent people have fled their homeland. Their lives matter. Democracy matters.

We forget the persecution and oppression of others far too easily. History will remember. Syrians and Ukrainians will never forget the holocaust of their people on their own land – and the rest of us should never forget, either.

Even the best-laid plans can fall apart. Let’s hope Putin’s plan backfires.

Susan Saker
North Yarmouth

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