Superior student

Terra Gallo of Cumberland, who was awarded the 2022 Legislative Memorial Scholarship for Cumberland County, is welcomed to the State House April 7. From left are Rep. Steve Moriarty, D-Cumberland; Gallo’s mother, Susan Gallo; Gallo; Gallo’s father, David Gallo; House Speaker Ryan Fecteau, D-Biddeford; and Rep. Morgan Rielly, D-Westbrook, with Rep. Kathy Javner, R-Chester, at the rostrum. Contributed / House Democratic Office

Scarborough HS Principal Award winner announced


Wyatt Zsiga, a senior at Scarborough High School, has received the 2022 Principal’s Award, Principal Susan J. Ketch announced. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic achievement and citizenship.

“Wyatt has been a wonderful student at SHS,” Ketch said. “He has been a strong academic student who has also participated in the arts and athletics. He has served on many committees in high school and in the community. He is a kind and generous young man very deserving of this award.”

The Principal’s Award is presented at more than 100 Maine public and private high schools by member principals of the MPA.

Freeport students inducted into NHS

Three students from Freeport were among the dozen students inducted into the National Honor Society from Maine Connections Academy, the state’s first distance-learning charter school.

Priya Edwards hopes to work with animals someday, Paige Liskey plans to attend a four-year university and Sydney Liskey’s goal is to earn a degree in teaching. All are sophomores.

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