A Harpswell man has been hospitalized after the truck he was driving struck a tree on Monday. Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office
Police say a man has been hospitalized after his pickup truck struck a tree at around 9 a.m. Monday.
Giard Fernand, 61, of Harpswell, was driving a 2008 Nissan Titan pickup truck east near 1547 Harpswell Islands Road — Route 24 — when the truck left the roadway, narrowly missed a telephone pole and struck a large tree head-on, according to a statement from the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.
Fernand “suffered serious head trauma as a result of the crash, was extricated from the wreckage and transported to the Maine Medical Center for treatment,” according to the statement. Police said Fernand was not wearing a seatbelt.
The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office Crash Reconstruction Unit is investigating the crash.
“The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office reminds all drivers that seat belts are required under Maine Law,” the statement read. “Seat belts save lives and reduce injuries in crashes.”
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